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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Clan Blackstock Newsletter 2002

VOLUME 10 FALL 2002 NO. 1

Clan Blackstock Society Newsletter

Volume 10 Fall 2002 No1



OCTOBER 18, 19, & 20, 2002

We are again approaching the time of the games and meeting in Atlanta. We look forward to seeing all of you again and hopefully some of you for the first time at the games. Our meeting and dinner this year will be held at Hong Kong King Buffet, 5150 Highway 78, Stone Mountain, Ga. At 7:00 PM. Cost is $9.35 per person plus drink. To make reservations contact Kris at (770) 923-6854. Please come and join us for a good time of fellowship. For a brochure of the games write:

Stone Mountain Highland Games, SMHG
Post Office Box 14023
Atlanta, GA. 30324-1023
(770) 521-0228

GREETINGS FELLOW CLANSMEN. I know it has been a long time since newsletters, but there has been little to report on until now. The Jacksonville, Florida games were a washout and I do mean washout. It rained so much that Peg and I didn’t even attend. Maybe next year will be better. As you know our annual meeting will be in Atlanta, Peg and I will be staying at the Days Inn in Stone Mountain. This is also an election year for officers and we need a good attendance to make our election legitimate. It would be great if we could get volunteers to fill our positions or just to help out with the routine details. Please help keep our Clan functioning. I can only do so much by myself.

Speaking of dues. If you will notice on the envelope I have put the date that your last dues were paid. If they are not current please remit your dues as soon as possible. Dues are $10.00 a year.

I will make a motion at our next meeting to elevate Herbert Blackstock to Honorary Chief of clan and to refill the position of President. Herbert is in a nursing home in Abeline, Tx and can no longer attend the functions as president. He is living in at the North Oaks Nursing Home phone (915) 673-2068 if you wish to call him. He is doing very well and sends his best to all.

We also have Clan Blackstock books available again. They are exact copies of Helen Womack’s book and have a brown cover. Cost is $65.00, which includes shipping and handling. We are not making a lot of money on these books and our dues payments have dried up so we need ideas to generate income for our clan newsletter and expenses. Please help me come up with ideas that we can all contribute to. Unless our income picks up I am afraid I will have to discontinue annual newsletters. Hope to see you at the Stone Mountain Games. RICK

Peg has managed to get Blackstock tartan in lightweight cotton and will have neckties and sashes for sale at the games.

If you can’t get to the games you can contact her at P.O. Box 125, Grandin, Fl. 32138 or by phone (386) 659-1380 or e-mail her at

Ties will be$20.00 and sashes will be $30.00 which includes shipping and handling. She is looking for a pattern for the rosette pins and hopes to have them available also.


Doris Wilson Beeco 1044 Raford Wilson Road, Commerce, GA. 30529 (706) 367-2254


LOOKING FOR DESCENDANTS of James and Doris (Dottie) M Blackstock daughter Cathy. James died Nov 18, 1944 he was killed in action in France in the 1st Calvery. They lived at Frankfurt St., Orange, NJ. Please contact Judy Buckney (732) 634-2629 e-mail 20 Dorothy St. Woodbridge, NJ 07095. Her mom was friends with Dottie. Judy has pictures and letters she would like to get to the family.

We now have our Clan Blackstock web site up and running. Please visit the site at If you have any suggestions let us know.

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