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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Mo Hawg - Week 7

Day 1.
Mo’s Trivia Question for Today: Do you remember the old Woolworth’s 5 & 10 cent stores? 
   Mo remembers.
   Woolworth means something else…and the answer might surprise you!  Do you know what it is?
   “Woolworth” is a term in bowling for a 5-10 split!

   Mo’s Mille. De Scuderi Wisdom for Today: The only rose without thorns is friendship.

   Mo’s Other Trivia Question for Today: Most of us know that Istanbul, Turkey used to be Constantinople (from 330 to 1930) – mostly because of the song with that fact in the lyrics.  Do you know what this ancient city was before it was Constantinople?
   Of course, Mo knows.
   Before Constantinople, the exotic city was the Byzantium we read about in our history books and see on TV.  

Day 2.
   Mo’s Trivia Question for Today: Do you know what your own blood type is? Most of us do – even Mo Hawg!
   However, do you remember the blood type of Mr. Spock on the TV series, Star Trek?
   Mo remembers.
  Dr. Spock had T-negative blood!

   Mo’s John Lyly Wisdom for Today: Time draweth wrinkles in a fair face, but addeth fresh colors to a fast friend, which neither heat, nor cold, nor misery, nor place, nor destiny, can alter or diminish.

   Mo’s Wisdom: It costs so little, I wonder why we give it so little thought; a smile, kind words, a glance, a touch- what magic by them is wrought.

   Mo’s Timely Presidential Quote for Today: Ronald Reagan said, “I do not believe in a fate that will fall on us no matter what we do.  I do believe in a fate that will fall on us if we do nothing!”

Day 3.
   Mo’s Trivia Question for Today: Have you ever noticed on your zipper the little letters “YKK?”  Do you have any idea what those letters mean?
   Mo knows.
   “YKK” on your zipper tab stands for “Yoshida Kogyo Kabushikikaisha” which is, in turn, the Japanese for “Yoshida Industries Limited,” which is the world’s largest manufacturer of zippers!

   Mo’s Wisdom: There is a vast difference between putting your nose in other people’s business and putting your heart in other people’s problems.

   Little Earl Ray sent in this riddle.  It’s tricky.
  Little Earl Ray asks, “If George Washington went to Washington wearing a white winter coat while his wife waited in Wilmington, how many Ws are there in all?
   Ready?  There are no Ws in “all.”

Day 4.
   Mo’s Trivia Question for Today: Do you love music?  If you do, it’s likely you remember Rodgers and Hammerstein and their music publishing company which was called “Williamson Music Company.”
   Why would men whose last names were Rodgers and Hammerstein name their company Williamson?  Do you know?
   Mo knows.
   The fathers of  both Richard Rodgers and Oscar Hammerstein, II were both named…William! 

   Mo’s Sam Walter Foss Wisdom for Today: Let me live in a house by the side of the road and be a friend to man.

   What did the Lone Ranger say after he was thrown from his horse?
   (This is BAD!)  “I’ve fallen and I can’t giddyup.”
   You were warned.

Day 5.
   Mo’s Wisdom: The nearer one holds his friend, the less should he dream of failing to observe all the delicate attentions of good breeding, the more scrupulously should he refrain from possible intrusion, the more carefully should he hold all the fine and exquisite observances of life.

    Bob R. from Riverside was recently on a quiz show.  “To be today’s champion, name two of Santa’s reindeer.”
   Our Bob R. thought for a moment.  “I’ve got it!  Rudolph and Olive.”
   The applause sign went on and the audience started applauding!  In just a few seconds, the clapping stopped and there was mumbling throughout the crowd.
   “I do accept Rudolph…but can you please explain ‘Olive?’”
   Bob R. looked impatiently at the game show host and said, “You know: ‘Olive the other reindeer, used to laugh and call him names!”

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