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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Mo Hawg - Week 38

Day 1.

      Mo’s Wonderful Thing About Getting Older for Today: Programming your VCR for you makes your grandchildren feel good about themselves.

    Mo can remember Great-great-great Grandpa Mo saying that he only had an eighth grade education.  Recently, Mo found a copy of Grandpa Mo’s final eighth grade test…and it’s a real test from 1895.  See if you can answer the questions!

   We’ll start the US History portion of the test which had a 45-minute time limit back in 1895.

1.      Give the epochs into which United States history is divided.

2.      Give an account of the discovery of America by Columbus.

3.      Relate the causes and results of the Revolutionary War.

  Mo did a little better on the history test

   Mo’s Wisdom: The toughest part of dieting isn’t watching what you eat…it’s watching what your friends eat!

Day 2.

      Mo’s Wonderful Thing About Getting Older for Today: You can use your kids’ rooms for storage.

   Mo can remember Great-great-great Grandpa Mo saying that he only had an eighth grade education.  Recently, Mo found a copy of Grandpa Mo’s final eighth grade test…and it’s a real test from 1895.  See if you can answer the questions!

   We’re working on the history test today:

   4.  Show the territorial growth of the United States.

   5.  Tell what you can of the history of Kansas.

   6.  Describe three of the most prominent battles of the Rebellion.

   Mo didn’t do as well with these.  Oink!

   Mo’s Wisdom: You do have to admire one thing about TV – sitcom families – they never waste time watching TV!

Day 3.

      Mo’s Wonderful Thing About Getting Older for Today: You don’t have to sing along if you don’t want to.

   Mo can remember Great-great-great Grandpa Mo saying that he only had an eighth grade education.  Recently, Mo found a copy of Grandpa Mo’s final eighth grade test…and it’s a real test from 1895.  See if you can answer the questions!

   We’re finishing the history portion of the test today.

   7.  Who were the following: Whitney, Morse, Fulton, Bell, Lincoln, Penn and Howe?

   8. Name events connected with the following dates: 1607, 1620, 1800, 1849 and 1865.

   Oops.  Mo has flunked again.

   Mo’s Wisdom: Those who think the competitive spirit is dead ought to watch the customers at Walmart when a cashier opens a new checkout lane!

Day 4.

      Mo’s Wonderful Thing About Getting Older for Today: Paul Newman.

   Mo can remember Great-great-great Grandpa Mo saying that he only had an eighth grade education.  Recently, Mo found a copy of Grandpa Mo’s final eighth grade test…and it’s a real test from 1895.  See if you can answer the questions!

  On to the Miscellaneous section of the test…but it’s hard.

1.      What is meant by the following: Alphabet, phonetic, orthography, etyology, syllabication?

2.      What are the elementary sounds?  How classified?

3.      What are the following and give examples of each? Trigraph, subvocals, diphthong, cognate letters and linguals?

   Mo is embarrassed to say he is still flunking

   Mo’s Traveling Advice: Never take a cross-country trip with a kid who has just learned to whistle.

Day 5.

      Mo’s Wonderful Thing About Getting Older for Today. Bingo.

   Mo can remember Great-great-great Grandpa Mo saying that he only had an eighth grade education.  Recently, Mo found a copy of Grandpa Mo’s final eighth grade test…and it’s a real test from 1895.  See if you can answer the questions!

   More of the Miscellaneous test:

4.      Give four substitutes for caret “u.”  (Oink?)

5.      Give two rules for spelling words with final ‘e.’  Name two exceptions under each rule.

6.      Give two uses of silent letters in spelling.  Illustrate each.

Mo’s Tempations I Cannot Resist: To stick my finger into coin-return slots in pay phones to see if by chance somebody left a quarter there – which has so far not happened.

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