Day 1.
Mo’s Wonderful Thing About Getting Older
for Today: If you don’t like the movie, you can go to sleep.
Mo’s Favorite
Anonymous Saying for Today: “Experience is something you don’t get until
just after you need it.”
Mo’s Wisdom:
Foolproof systems don’t take into account the ingenuity of fools.
Mo’s Astounding Fact
for Today: The estimated weight of the planet Earth is
6,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (6 sextillion) metric tons!
Look out! You learned
something from Mo!
Mo’s Interesting Fact
for Today: Did you know that the Indian name of legendary athlete Jim
Thorpe – a member of the Sac and Fox tribes, was “Wathahuck” meaning
“bright path?” It’s true.
Day 2.
Mo’s Wonderful
Thing About Getting Older for Today: The music in elevators seems to have
Mo’s Grandpa Wisdom
for Today: Whether a man winds up with a nest egg or a goose egg depends a
lot on the kind of chick he marries.
Mo’s Real Name for
Today: Did you know that the real last name of Russian leader Joseph
Stalin was “Dzugashvili” and not Stalin. “Stalin” means “man of steel” in
Mo’s Wisdom: You’re
not as young as you used to be, but you’re not as old as you’re going to
be. So watch it!
More Mo’s Wisdom: No
one is ever old enough to know better!
Day 3.
Mo’s Wonderful
Thing About Getting Older for Today: Saying you forgot is enough of an
Mo’s Grandpa Wisdom
for Today: Trouble in marriage often starts when a man gets so busy
earning his salt that he forgets his sugar.
Mo’s Napoleon
Bonaparte Facts for Today: Napoleon Bonaparte was not born in France, even
though he was one of France’s famous leaders. He did not even come from a
French family. He was the son of an Italian nobleman and was born in
Corsick, an island owned by France. He did not even learn French until he
was about ten years old!
Mo’s Just Interesting
Fact for Today: The spots on dice, dominoes and playing cards are called
“pips.” It’s true!
Day 4.
Mo’s Wonderful
Thing About Getting Older for Today: You’ve found a car mechanic you can
Mo’s Grandpa Wisdom
for Today: Too many couples marry for better or for worse, but not for
Mo’s New Word for
Today: What is a “plangonolgist?” Mo knows that a plangonolgist is
simply the technical term for someone who collects dolls!
Who remembers the
Pacer? The Ranger? Who remembers the Corsair? The Citation? These were
the four models of Edsel automobiles when they were first introduced by
The Ford Motor Company for the 1958 model year. The Edsel station wagons
were called the Bermuda, the Roundup and The Villager!
See? You learned
something today from Mo!
Day 5.
Mo’s Wonderful
Thing About Getting Older for Today: You’ll never have to assemble
another bicycle on Christmas Eve!
Mo’s Grandpa Wisdom
for Today: The bonds of matrimony are a good investment only when the
interest is kept up.
Mo’s Interesting
Beatle Fact for Today: Do you know the pseudonym used by former Beatle
John Lennon as the guitarist on Elton John’s recording of the tune Lucy in
the Sky With Diamonds? Mo knows.
John Lennon used the
pseudonym Dr. Winston O’Boogie on the album cover!
Do you know what the
letters in the name of the M&Ms chocolate candies stand for? The ‘m’s”
stand for Mars and Murrie…for Forrest Mars and R. Bruce Murrie, the
original partners in the M&Ms business! |