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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
The Colquitt County Chapter 43 of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

The Colquitt County Chapter 43 of the Disabled American Veterans (DAV)

The Colquitt County Chapter 43 of the Disabled American Veterans was chartered in August of 1985.  At the time it was chartered there were only ten members.  The Chapter became the fastest growing chapter in the United States by growing to over two hundred members within the first year.

The chapter formed its own Honor Guard in 1988 and has participated in over two-hundred funerals and other events such as parades, etc.

A lot of the chapters original members have since died, especially the World War II members.  The chapter remains active participating in visiting VA hospitals and having fund drives to help their fellow veterans and widows here in Moultrie. 

The chapter holds its monthly meeting the second Tuesday of each month at 125 S. Main St., in Moultrie.  Visiting veterans are always welcome.

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