"Now, iron a
whole washing for only 1¢" is the headline in the 1934 Southern Planter in
the women's section.
The advertisement says this iron burns 96% on air!
No greater time, money and labor saving invention ever introduced into
homes than the sensational New Diamond Self-Heating Iron! So economical,
the average family ironing can be done at the amazing low cost of 1¢.
Now, convenience and economy for the housewife without electricity! It's
even better than gas or electricity - at ½ the cost! Easier to use, too -
no wires, tubes or hoses to twist, tangle and get in the way. Makes and
burns its own gas from 96% air and only 4% common kerosene (coal oil).
All the drudgery of old fashioned ironing is banished forever. No more
trotting back and forth between ironing board and hot stove. Save 2,000
steps every ironing. Women appreciate its quick, regulated uniform heat.
Always ready. Actually cuts ironing time in half. Moreover, the Diamond
Iron is exceptionally handsome. Beautiful new Rosewood heatproof handle.
Latest double point design with new Button Bevel Edge. All parts heavily
plated. Extra heavy CHROMIUM plate on bottom gives glass-smooth ironing
surface that never needs waxing or polishing - will wear indefinitely, and
simply cannot rust. No wonder women are astonished and delighted - don't
want to let go of a Diamond Iron once they get it in their hands. You'll
like it too.
No risk trial! Send coupon for full description and 30 days' Trial
Offer with iron-clad guarantee of satisfaction. Mail it today!
Golden opportunity for agents! Earn up to $25 a day with the new
Diamond Self-Heating Iron. Bruhn (Mont.) has actually made $30 and Hartly
(Ohio) made $42 in one day. Many excellent territories still open but
going fast. Mail coupon today for the details of amazing money-making
The Akron Lamp and Mfg. Co., 253 Iron Street, Akron, Ohio.
It's one of those ironies - pun intended - that today we have irons
that practically get the clothes from the dryer and put them away for
us.and our clothes are "wash n' wear" with not much, if any, ironing
required. In 1934, EVERYTHING needed ironing.and their irons were not
easy to use at best!
Does anyone else remember starch? Does anyone else remember sprinkling
starched clothes? I never did learn to make completely lump-free
starch.and can remember the day I found Spray Starch!!!
The 1934 Southern Planter offers for sale, "Sixteen Unusual Quilt
Patterns" that make my mouth water! Some of the patterns offered are The
Poinsettia, Tennessee Star, Kentucky Posy, Grandmother's Fan, Tulips,
Orange Peel, Lantern, Around the World, Basket of Flowers, Sunflower,
Katie, Fred, Priscilla Alden and Mountain Peaks.
Cloverine Salve is back offering this time a 23-piece colored glass
dinner set or big cash commission. Send no money - Send your name and
address. Beautiful cherry blossom design-like picture. Choice of green or
pink. Consists of 4 dinner plates, 4 cups, 4 saucers, 4 nappies, 4
tumblers, 1 covered sugar, 1 creamer and 1 platter. Just give away 12
beautifully colored Art Pictures FREE with 12 boxes of our famous White
Cloverine Salve for cuts, sores, burns, chaps, etc., which you will sell
to friends at 25¢ a box. Remit $3 collected and select this 23-piece set
or choice of other presents in new premium plan book 39th year. We are
fair and square. Be first for Salve and pictures! Write Wilson Chem. Co.,
Inc., Dept. 88AA, Tyrone, Pa.
At the bottom of the page is a little picture of a rabbit and the
headline, Raise Rabbits for Us! WE supply stock and buy what you raise
paying you highest prices. Established 20 Yrs. Rabbit book catalog and
monthly market bulletin showing prices we pay our breeders, 10¢. Address
Outdoor Enterprise Co., Inc., Box 438, New York City, N.Y. Please mention
The Southern Planter!
Times surely do not change much! In every Family Tree, the words,
"Please mention The Family Tree when you contact our advertisers" is a
permanent feature! |