Reba Greene
from the New Elm Community is searching for any descendants of the
following property owners at New Elm ca 1918-1925 when my parents, J.T.
Greene and Essie Turner Greene purchaswed the following described New Elm
property from W.E. McLaughlin and E.C. McCrary: "1¼ acre on East Side of
Moultrie-Sylvester Public Road with a store site, grist mill, and
steam-driven cotton gin. Bounded on the North by a Mrs. Newton (later
sold to Mashbourn Brothers); on East and South by W.J. Perkins (which was
later sold to S.E. Watson); and on the south by James Bennenson."
There was no description of the property on the West side of the
Moultrie-Sylvester Public Road which is where my parent's house and some
acres of land were owned by my parents. I have not yet found the deed to
show from whom they purchased that property.
If you are a descendant of any of the families named above, and have
any information and/or pictures of those buildings, I would appreciate
your contacting me. This information will be used for a history of the
community during the 1920s and 1930s.
Please contact Reba Greene at 229-890-1202.
Carolyn Clark at the library had a couple of little papers called The
Southern Planter. One issue is January 1934.and it is interesting to read!
The heading on the front page says this paper has "more than 230,000
circulation" and is "The Oldest Agricultural Journal in America."
Reading its pages is like a visit with my beloved grandmother!
The mailing label on the front reads J.H. Clark, Moultrie, GA R 4!
Inside, on page 3 the subscription information says that you may
subscribe for 50 cents for two years or $1.00 for five years in the United
States and Island possessions and Mexico; the city of Richmond, 50 cents
per year; Canada and foreign countries, 75 cents per year including tax.
The paper was in its 95th year in 1934. It was published in Richmond,
On the editorial page it features "A Way to a Happy New Year" by Robert
Brewster Beattie.
The poem: A Way to a Happy New Year.
To leave the old with a burst of song,
To recall the right and forgive the wrong;
To forget the thing that binds you fast
To the vain regrets of the year that's past;
To have the strength to let go your hold
Of the not worth while of the days grown old,
To dare go forth with a purpose true,
To the unknown task of the year that's new;
To help your brother along the road
To do his work and lift his load;
To add your gift to the world's good cheer,
Is to have and to give a Happy New Year.
The editorial page is headed "Farm Management" and features "Work for
the Month."
The editor writes, "We enter the New Year 1934 with new hopes, new
ideals and new expectations. Agriculture has a new promise of a New Day.
Let us all work with President Roosevelt to this end."
Headings under the "Work for the Month" include: Select Eggs for
Hatching, Get Brooder Ready for Early Chicks, Order Fertilizer, Look after
Pastures, Seed Oats (and the "supply of good oats will be short this
year."), Prevent Wormy Pigs, Look After Ewes, Finish Plowing and Build
Hotbeds and Cold Frames.
At the end of this article there is a little heading "Has it occurred
to you?" which asks if you have: Prepared the tobacco plant bed so that
the seed may be sown early? Have you covered the beds with cheese cloth
having 26 strands to the inch?
Have you watched the bees and provided additional food, if necessary,
by using sugar syrup?
Have you attended farmers' winter meetings, such as corn and grain
shows, horticultural, dairy, livestock conventions, etc.?
Have you examined the fruit trees and applied the dormant spray if
scales are present?
Have you protected orchards from mice and rabbits?
Have you set 5 eggs for each pullet desired?
We'll browse among this very interesting paper some more next time! |