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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Beth's Weekly Moultrie Observer Column - Week 75
(This appears here courtesy of The Moultrie Observer)

   The question of the day on Friday, October 1, 1920 in Urbana, Ohio was “How much cider can you make?”

   The article says that the Internal Revenue Department states you can make “a reasonable amount.”

   It ways farmers and other growers can convert applies into drink for their own use.

   If you wanted to have the new electricity in your home, Geyer & Grimes in Urbana would wire your house – up to five rooms – for $35.00.  In the ad that ran this day, they said that no matter how many rooms you have, the $35.00 rate will apply!

   Oh my!  Clifford Vaudeville offered on Friday evening, October 1, 1920, the Whirly Girly Show in That Funny Farce, “Razor Jim” featuring Tom Moore!

   Admission to the show was 10 cents and 25 cents!

   If you’d already seen the Whirly Girly Show…you could see Billie Burke in Sadie Love at the moving picture show. 

   Hood’s Sarsaparilla makes food taste good says the ad on the back page of the paper.  The ad says it creates an appetite, aids digestion, purifies the blood and thus relieves scrofula, catarrh, the pains and aches of rheumatism and gives strength to the whole system. 

   Nearly fifty years phenomenal sales tell the story of the great merit and success of Hood’s Sarsaparilla.  It is just the medicine you need now!

   If you went to the Gordon Company, opposite the Masonic Temple in Urbana you could get a work shirt for $1.00, a men’s fleeced union suit for $1.98 and men’s all wool sweaters for $5.98. Ladies could get a bargain on silk messaline dresses for just $9.98 and white outing flannel was just 31 cents a yard!

   Walter S. Johnson’s Shoe Store offered snug fitting spats – “smart with tailored costumes.”  

   There’s a great ad for a beautiful  coal stove!  The ad says ‘On the stock of stoves we have now, save 20%.  They will be higher later.

   The Florence Hot Blast burns slack coal just as well as lump.  No soot, no smoke, everything is consumed.  A No. 75 will heat 3 rooms an entire winter on 3-4 tons of coal!

   Saturday, November 17, 1923, the Urbana Daily Democrat reports that “Three Infantile Paralysis Cases are Released.”

   The article says the last of the three cases of infantile paralysis (poliomyel8itis) in the county have been pronounced cured and the attendant quarantine released.  There were three and the last to be released is Mary, the 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Willard Steinberger, St. Paris, Ohio.

  There was an estate sale set for Tuesday, November 20 in Wayne Township, Ohio.  Like old wills, it’s interesting to read what was offered.

   Amongst the treasures were: 1 Jersey cow; 1 buggy; 1 sleigh; 1 set buggy harness; household goods of all kinds; with carpets rugs, dishes and other articles to numerous to mention.  At the same time will be offered six acres of land with dwelling house, barn and other outbuildings. 

   There were plenty of things to see in Urbana in 1923.  At the movies (The Lyric) you could see Douglas MacLean in Bell Boy 12 – More laughs than a bellboy has buttons!  You would also see a Pathe Comedy, Aesops Fables and Pearl White in “Plunder.”  Admission was a quarter for adults and a dime for children.

   At the Clifford you could see The Motion Picture If Winter Comes by A.S.M. Hutchinson with special music by the Clifford Orchestra.

   On Wednesday and Thursday, you could see at The Clifford, a special Matinee at 3 PM The Lost Battalion reenacted by Survivors of That Famous Unit for the benefit of the H.M. Pearce Post American Legion…with an extra 2-reel comedy.  Adults a quarter, children a dime for the matinee performances.

  Thanks to Donald Broome for these wonderful old newspapers!  It’s been fun, Donald!

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