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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Beth's Weekly Moultrie Observer Column - Week 42
(This appears here courtesy of The Moultrie Observer)

After the last few weeks of columns about frequently asked questions at The Odom Library, a friend of mine came in and asked, "Beth, I found a long-searched-for document but I don't understand it. What do I do?"
This has happened to me (As has very genealogical disaster possible!) and the things I do are to:
* Read the document slowly and out loud.
* Type the document
* Ask someone else to look at the document and repeat the steps above
* Read the entire document. Read every single word.
* Have you read the document from the end to the beginning?
* Be sure you have the entire document.
* Be sure it is the original document and not an incomplete transcription or an abstract.
Does everyone know about surname publications? A surname publication is simply a newsletter that uses for subject matter information and news about a particular name. I have The Friend Family Association of America publication in front of me at this moment. It's full of interesting information, news, notices and family happenings.
You can visit The Odom Library and look in our vertical files to see if we have copies of your own surname publication. If we don't, we do have copies of The Genealogical Helper. The "Helper" frequently lists all the surname organizations in this country.
Somewhere there's someone else working on YOUR family. Surname publications are a super way to make contact with those who are interested in your surnames. Usually, you are afforded the opportunity to publish free queries in these publications when you subscribe. They are a bargain, fun to read and very helpful.
Oh, if you happen to be a member of the "Friend" family, you may write L. Carlos Friend, 6020 High Jackson Rd., Rt. 2, Charlestown, IN 47111. Dues are $18 a year.
The other genealogical "secret" is the existence of genealogical societies and historical societies in just about every town and in every single area of our country! We always recommend that you join your society in the area of your interest.
My mother's family comes from Madison County, Florida - so, I'm always sure to be a member of anything going on genealogically down there!
See? You can find the addresses and information about societies and groups where YOUR family comes from the same way as for the surname associations and publications. Just come to The Odom Library and ask to see the directory issues of The Genealogical Helper and also check out our vertical file.
Because of The Family Tree, we have one of the best collections of periodicals and publications from surname and historical and genealogical organizations.
Do you get The Family Tree? Published by The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogical Library right here in Moultrie, The Family Tree is the largest genealogical publication in the world - and, the largest Scottish publication in the world outside Scotland - although there is news and information about many other ethnicities within its pages.
Come by the library in Moultrie and pick up a free copy of the publication. If you would like to be on the mailing list, it's very easy to be added. Just give your name and address to Irene Godwin, Ann Glass, Monique Green or Katherine Bryant in the genealogy library...or, to any of the ladies at the front desk of the public library. There is no charge for The Family Tree, but postage contributions of at least $6.00 are much appreciated.
Published six times a year, The Family Tree is a tabloid newspaper of between 48 - 64 pages in two sections.

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