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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
The Family Tree - October/November 2005
Clan Wallace Society Members Commemorate the 700th Anniversary of the Execution of Sir William Wallace in Scotland

          During the period 9-23 August 2005, Fifty-eight Members of Clan Wallace Society Worldwide visited various locations in Scotland to join local Scots in their commemoration ceremonies revering Sir William Wallace, Scotland’s greatest hero. Although the 2-week tour covered both highland and lowland sites of interest, the highlights of the tour were the Smith Museum visit in Stirling, Scotland and the Wreath Laying Ceremonies at the William Wallace Statue in Aberdeen, Scotland.

In Stirling, Clan Society President John R. Wallace, of Virginia Beach, Virginia, made a donation to the museum on behalf of the Clan Society to assist them in their exceptional William Wallace collection and displays. The ceremony took place on August 17th and the Museum Director Elspeth King and the Provost of Stirling, Colin O’ Brien were present during the ceremony to welcome the Clan Wallace Group and to receive the donation.

Later in the tour, The Clan Wallace Group visited Aberdeen, Scotland, during their Ceremonies held on 22 August, honoring Sir William Wallace, which was sponsored by the Wallace 700 Society. The Wallace group was involved in the Ceremonial Procession through the streets of the city as well as the Statute Ceremonies, where President John R. Wallace laid a special Society wreath at the foot of the statute. During their stay in the city, the Lord Provost of Aberdeen John Reynolds, held a reception honoring the North American Wallaces, who were visiting to attend the Ceremonies.  David Irvine of Drum, Chief of Clan Irvine, and his wife, Carolyn, who are annually involved with the Aberdeen Ceremonies, hosted the Wallaces during this period.

The Clan Wallace Society Members were privileged to dine in Edinburgh with Andrew Wallace, Clan Society Council Member and son of the Clan Wallace Chief, Ian Francis Wallace, of that Ilk.

Dr Elspeth King displays the Clan Wallace to the museum
Dr Elspeth King displays the Clan Wallace to the museum

President John lays wreath at Wallace Statue in Aberdeen
President John lays wreath at Wallace Statue in Aberdeen

Wallace Group at Smith Museum in Stirling
Wallace Group at Smith Museum in Stirling

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