Skeleton hunters track him
down! He can't hide from our Family Tree readers!
Congratulations to Irene
Cleyhorn, Caroline Thompson and Paul E. Ramsey! Our intrepid skeleton
hunter, Irene Cleyhorn of Tulsa, Oklahoma, has won the CD for Smithfield
Fair, Jacobites by Name. All she had to do was search diligently through
these pages for our skinny friend....and then send a postcard to us
addressed to "Skeleton Hunt, PO Box 2828, Moultrie, GA 31776-2828."
Caroline Thompson of Las
Cruces, New Mexico wins a tartan dog collar from our friends at Bonbright
Woolens for her expertise in hunting skeletons. Paul E. Ramsey of Athens,
Alabama gets a very interesting CD from Carl Peterson, his Scotland
Remember the Alamo. Mr. Ramsey, to win Carl's CD, just had to look closely
at our pages and send us a postcard!
The ten subscriptions to
Reunions Magazine from Edith Wagner will go to Daniel E. Davis of Conner,
Montana; Scott & Treena Trimble of Burlington, Kentucky; Valerie Smith of
Providence, Rhode Island; Philip McClure of Columbus, Indiana; Pat
Linsenmeyer of Lincoln, Nebraska; Angus R. MacAskill, Brookfield, Vermont;
Patricia E. Douglas of Rockville, Maryland; Patricia Holtonengst of
Centralia, Missouri; Leonard Ouellette of Claremont, New Hampshire, E. R.
Eberhard of Galloway, New Jersey; and Patricia Anderson of Green Valley,
Arizona. All of these experienced skeleton hunters espied our guy from the
Douglas House of Design on page 23A of our last issue!
Got prizes next time?
Oh yes, we have nice prizes for the next contingent of skeleton hunters.
No early rising, no rubber boots and hats with long trips
squashed in the back seat of your neighbor's hunting vehicle...just a keen
eye and a close look at our pages...that's all that is required! Mr. Jim
Anderson at Bonbright Woolens says we may give away another tartan dog
collar (Be sure and add the tartan you desire to your postcard) and Carl
Peterson will allow us to give away another one of his CDs - Scotland
Remembers the Alamo.
We have a special treat
just in time for the Jim Walters at the Caledonian Kitchen
is sending a package of Caledonian Kitchen's premium quality haggis to one
of our skeleton hunters! Edith Wagner at Reunions Magazine will have ten
subscriptions to her interesting and useful publication as well! And,
we'll put together a nice box of Celtic goodies from German Hill Farms as
well! So, get lookin'! You just might win a nice prize. And, your feet
won't get muddy in the hunting!
Why hunt a skeleton?
We hunt our skeleton "in the closet" we'll just get over
worrying about it. Everybody, except a Mrs. MacLeod who wrote to me
assuring me that she did not have skeletons, has skeletons in their family
closets. Do the math. By the time you go back only about 20 generations,
you'll have over one million four hundred something more or less families
to whom you are directly kin. It's simply not possible, except in the case
of Mrs. MacLeod, for all of those folks to be lace-encrusted aristocrats.
Genealogists simply don't worry about things like this. In fact,
genealogists love to find those who went astray where the law was involved
because they left records! So, we just take the worry out of genealogy.
You find your skeleton right here in our pages...and then just enjoy the
How do I enter?
It's so very simple to enter our contest. Just track the boney fella'll recognize him as he is really running from his closet
somewhere in our pages. When you find him...just jot his location down on
a postcard and send it to: Skeleton Hunt, PO Box 2828, Moultrie, GA
31776-2828. Long about deadline time for the next paper, we'll draw
winners from our big stack of postcards.
Good news to our postcard
folks, too! Barbara Burns from Miami, Florida wrote and asked if we would
send our leftover postcards to her after the contest each time. So, the
wonderful postcards you send won't be thrown away...they will end up in a
personal postcard collection! (Except for the cat postcards which end up
on my office door!)