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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
The Family Tree - June/July 2003
Wee Snippets (2)

American Heraldry in Color...a new CD-ROM book
Dr. David P. Johnson has edited a new CD-Rom book, American Heraldry in Color that will provide an historical record of the armorial cultural heritage for heraldic, genealogical and other researchers in future generations.

In this text you will find both historical and current examples of armorial bearings.  Most of the bearings are borne by United States residents and military personnel serving abroad.  A few of these were borne by those closely associated with the founding and development of the nation.  Many of the Arms are domestic, but others originated in, or were later recognized by, foreign officers of arms.

The armorial and biographical information contained in this volume was collected over the period of some thirty years from among the Arms registered by The American College of Heraldry.  Some of those listed have updated their information from time to time, while others have not.  The new information has been included.

American Heraldry in Color presents over 250 Coats-of-Arms and is $16.95 postpaid.  You may order from The American College of Heraldry, PO Box 710, Cottondale, AL 35453.

Amongst all the fancy folk included in the CD is one not-fancy folk - your editor!  What a thrill to see my Arms included in this collection!  Thanks, David!

For more information about The American College of Heraldry, its services, fees, etc., please visit

George C. Seward presents Seward & Related Families
Mr. George C. Seward has written the third edition of his family genealogy, Seward & Related Families, this time to record the Kl”nne (Kloenne) and Luy ancestry of his maternal grandmother, Maria Christina Kloenne Rugh (1853-1936) and in so doing, to correct the errors regarding them in the prior editions.

Mr. Seward would like for us to be sure and tell you that if you are a library and would like a copy of the book - at no charge - just write him with a request on library letterhead.  Write George C. Seward, 48 Greenacres Ave., Scarsdale, NY 10583.  (That's how The Odom Library received its own copy!)  Otherwise, the softbound book is $34.50 from the same address.

This book is fascinating reading whether you are related to this family or not!  It's meticulously researched and documented, with indices and family charts.  It is a textbook on how such books should be written.

What's in a name? Rajtar?
Some surnames are easier to figure out than others.  It's pretty straightforward if our name is Tailor, for example, to figure that your family made clothes.  A "Glover" probably comes from a family who made gloves.  A "Smith" comes from a line of blacksmiths, a "Hunter" hunted, a "Fletcher" put the feathers on arrows, a "Bowman" made bows or fought with them, a "Cook", cooked, etc.

But what if your name is "Rajtar?"

There's a fascinating article about this surname in the Central Florida Genealogical Society newsletter, Buried Treasures, written by Steve Rajtar.  If you would like a copy of the complete article, please send a SASE with TWO stamps to us and ask for it.

The concluding paragraph says: "What's in a name? Rajtar.  A 'Rajtar' is a cavalryman who wore relatively heavy armor for his day (peaking in importance during the 1600s), who may have also engaged in plundering and pilfering.  The Swedes, led by King Gustavus Adolphus during this period, had some of the best cavalry, so the Rajtars/Reiters (German spelling) of the entire region copied their mode of dress and battle, and even soldiers from other countries were referred to with adjectives that implied that they were Swedish, if not in nationality then at least in appearance and behavior."

All of this enforces the old genealogical saying, "If at first it is simple and easy...go back and check everything as you have made a mistake!"

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