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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
The Family Tree - June/July 2003
Newsletter Contest Winners

The Galley from The Clan MacNeil Society, Nellie McNeill-Sanders and Vicki Sanders Corporon editors, has repeated once again as Master Class Winner in The Family Tree 2003 Newsletter Contest.

New entrant, Keith & Kin from The Clan Keith Society, Carl D. Pritchett of DeSoto, Texas, editor, has been judged the Grand Prize Overall winner this year.

Runner-Up Grand Prize Overall winners are (in a tie) the publication of The Clan MacBean Society, with Robert Levi McBee and Lucy A. McBee of San Antonio, Texas, editors: and the publication of the Clan Munro Association, USA, Anne Monroe Long of St. Petersburg, Florida, The Eagle Flyer and The Munro Eagle.

Specialty Grand Prize Winners include The Caledonian Club of San Francisco, Art Ball and Floyd Busby, editors and Thornton Family Chiropractic, Dr. Sean M. Reif, DC., editor.

First Place Overall Winners (in a tie) are: The Alabama Genealogical Society Magazine, Marcia K. Collier of Titus, Alabama, editor and The Shelby County Historical Society, Inc., Quarterly, Diane B. Seales of Columbiana, Alabama, editor.

First prize in the category of Scottish Clan Magazines from 25 - 50 pages is The Clan MacBean publication, editors Robert and Lucy McBee of San Antonio, Texas.

First prize in the category of Scottish Clan Publications is the publication of the Clan Munro Association, USA, Anne Monroe Long of St. Petersburg, Florida, The Eagle Flyer and The Munro Eagle. Second place in this category is the fine publication of Grover T. Brinson, who edits The Eagle Gate from The Clan Carmichael USA.

First Prize in the Scottish Clan Newsletter - over 25 pages - is The Red Tower, Stuart E. Robinson of Boston, Massachusetts, editor...the publication of The Clan Galbraith Society.

Scottish Clan Newsletter - under 25 pages, First Prize goes to: Keith & Kin, Carl D. Pritchett of DeSoto, Texas, editor. This is the publication of The Clan Keith Society. Second place is Aclanna Cuinn, Clan Donald USA - New England Region, Lynne Hicks of South Kent, Connecticut, editor. Third place is The Stag & Thistle The Quarterly Newsletter of the Clan Scott Society, Inc. with editor Michelle Szabo of Austin, Texas.

First Prize in the Family Association Newsletter competition goes to editor Melancie H. Adams of Titusville, Florida and The Owsley Family Historical Society Newsletter.

Surname Society Newsletters - under 10 pages - First Prize goes to The Smelkinson Family Newsletter, Andrew D. Buchanan Thaler of Baltimore, Maryland, editor; Second Prize was won by editor Jackie Utley of Jackson, Tennessee with The Utley Family Update. Third Prize winner is Win Haskell of Pfaffenrot, Germany with The Newsletter of the International Haskell Family Society. In this category, The Self Family Newsletter Daniel C. McCarthy and Cheryl E. McCarthy of Calhoun, Georgia, editors and the Legan-Admire Newsletter, Gerald Legan, editor of Kankakee, Illinois both were awarded Honorable Mentions.

Scottish Games Programs was won by The Caledonian Club of San Francisco program, Art Ball and Floyd Busby editors.

Other Than Scots Clan Publications - under 25 pages - category was won by The Rampant Lion, Dixon Scottish Cultural Association, Don Burns, editor of Dixon, California. News for Kin n' Freen, Carleton MacRae Cook of Orlando, Florida editor was awarded Second Place. The Tartan Thistle - The Scottish Heritage Society of Rochester, New York, Raymond Rushton, editor, won Third Place. The Palmetto & Thistle, Rich Shader of Melbourne, Florida was awarded Honourable Mention.

Burns Night Programs category was won by Raymond Rushton's publication for 2003.

Surname Society Magazine - Loose Sheet Format - was won by Diggin' for Davises, Richard R. Dietz of Temple City, California.

Historical Society Magazine Category - under 50 pages - was won by The Shelby County Historical Society, Inc., Quarterly with Diane B. Seales of Columbiana, Alabama the editor.

Surname Society publications - under 50 pages - was won by The Stovall Journal, Sandra Perry of Fort Worth, Texas, editor. Second Place was awarded to the Descendants of Friedrich Carl and Anna Catharina Christlieb - The Christlieb-Chrislip-Crislip Family Association, Jacob's Ladder, edited by Ned Crislip.

The Scottish Harp Society of America, Cynthia Cathcart, editor, has won their category of Musical Society Magazine with their Journal of The Scottish Harp Society of America, Inc., The Kilt and Harp.

Genealogical Society Magazine - over 50 pages - category was won by The Alabama Genealogical Society Magazine. Marcia K. Collier of Titus, Alabama is the editor. Second place was awarded to The Madison County, Florida, Genealogical News, Elmer Spears, editor.

Family Research Society category was won by Carolina Trees & Branches from Elizabeth City, North Carolina. Gloria Wesner, Jean Spencer, Anita Whitehurst coeditors.

Genealogical Library Publications category was won by Elmer's Genealogy Library News from Elmer's Genealogy Library, Elmer Spears, Madison, Florida, editor.

Genealogical Society Newsletter - under 10 pages - was won by Relatively Speaking, The Tinley Moraine Genealogist Newsletter, Jeanne Duffy, of Chicago, Illinois, editor.

Italian Genealogical Publication - First Place: POINT-POINTers, from Las Vegas, Nevada. The editor is Thomas E. Militello, MD.

In the Health Category - The Thornton Family Chiropractic Health Letter was the winner. The editor is Dr. Sean Reif, D.C., P.C. of Thornton, Colorado.

Scottish Clan Newsletter - under 50 pages - category was won by The Sporran, News from The Clan Davidson Society, Richard Halliley and David G. Chagnon.

St. Andrews Society Publications - under 25 pages - was won by Scots' Speak, John McGee Rogers, editor of Ponte Vedra Beach, Florida.

Scottish Clan Newsletter - under 10 pages - category was won by Am fear-gl‚idhidh, the publication of The Clan Wallace Society Worldwide, Tom E.S. Wallace of St. John, New Brunswick, Canada, editor.

Genealogical Society - over 25 pages - was won by The South Bend Area Genealogical Society. Mark Davis of South Bend, Indiana is the editor. Second Place in this category was awarded to editor Catherine L. Gowdy of Novato, California for the Quarterly Publication of The Marin County Genealogical Society, The Marin Kin Tracer.

Genealogical Society Magazine - under 25 pages - was won by The Quill, Carol Hardy Bryan, editor from The Old Edgefield District Genealogical Society, Edgefield, South Carolina.

Certificates & ribbons have been mailed. The silver tray and banner will be awarded at The Grandfather Mountain Highland Games this coming July.

Thank you to all who entered our contest. The quality of the publications entered is absolutely astounding.

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