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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
The Family Tree - June/July 2003
Maryland State Tartan

PO Box 25, Woodsboro, Maryland 21798 · 301-845-2389 ·

An Open Letter … to Scottish-Americans in Maryland (and interested others!):

A new initiative is underway in Maryland, seeking adoption of an official MARYLAND STATE TARTAN.

We need your help! In order to present a strong proposal to the Maryland General Assembly, we are currently collecting signatures on a petition of support for the project. Please share information about the project with the members of any Scottish-American, historical, or other organization with which you are affiliated, as well as other interested individuals, and encourage them to sign the petition -- especially those who reside, work, or attend an educational institution in Maryland.

There are two ways to sign the petition:

Print out a petition form, accessed by clicking a link at the Maryland State Tartan Project web site, It would be much appreciated if the leadership of local organizations, or local chapters of national organizations, would make the petition available to members at events and gatherings. Return completed petition forms by postal mail to: Maryland State Tartan Project, PO Box 25, Woodsboro, MD 21798.

Individuals may also “sign” the petition by email, by sending a message including name and address to make “MD tartan” the subject), or by sending a postcard or letter to the project’s postal address: Maryland State Tartan Project, PO Box 25, Woodsboro, MD 21798.

Most computer printers will not do justice to the colors of the tartan, so whenever possible, please encourage supporters of the project to view the full-scale image of the tartan at the web site! 

We are hoping to attract a legislative sponsor to introduce a bill to adopt the tartan as our official state tartan in time for the 2004 centennial of the Maryland state flag. Based on the arms of the first Lord Baltimore, colonial proprietor of Maryland, the Maryland flag has often been described as the perfect state flag, with its bold colors, interesting patterns, and correct heraldry. We have endeavored to bring the same vibrancy and historical relevance to the design of the proposed Maryland state tartan. The designer, Cynthia Balfour-Traill, is a registered tartan designer, a member of the Scottish Tartans Authority, and a lifelong Maryland citizen of Scottish descent. Cyndi and her husband are members of the St. Andrew’s Society of Mid-Maryland, Clans of Scotland USA, and the Clan MacDuff Society of America.

Thank you for your help in promoting the Maryland State Tartan Project!

Le deagh dhurachd (“With best wishes” in Scottish Gaelic),

Alan Wildberger and Cynthia Balfour-Traill
Project Coordinators

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