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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
The Family Tree - June/July 2003
Gift of Books

You are incredibly generous with your gifts of books and materials!
The Odom Library collection continues to grow, thanks to your kindness! Our collection at The Odom Library continues to grow...and we have an almost nonexistent book budget. How does it grow without a budget? That's the very easy our collection grows because of you...just like this little paper exists because of you! Before we talk about our gift books this time, I'd like to address a very serious subject...

Recently, a beloved cousin passed away. I wondered what had happened to her extensive and lifelong genealogy I knew she wanted it to come to The Odom Library.
It has NOT come to us. I was told that one of the "relatives" at the funeral just went into her office and put all of her files and books and materials into the trunk of her car and hauled it away. Nothing will happen as the family does not want to make a "fuss" over it...but it's not what my cousin wanted.
Folks, please protect your work. Visit your attorney and add a codicil to your will stating what you wish to happen to your research when you are no longer here. Without the legal protection, someone could haul off your lifetime work too. It really doesn't do much good to just tell folks what you need to have legal "backup" for your work so that it will be taken care of in the manner you wish.

Back to gift books....
We are so fortunate here at The Odom Library that lovely genealogists and historians from just about everywhere send us books and materials.

This time Martin Scott of Chattanooga, Tennessee, sent a gift of Some Descendants of Anthony Scot (1690-1764) of Culpepper County, Virginia. Thank you, Mr. Scott!

We appreciate Linda Kitchens of Thomasville, Georgia who has donated The Descendants of Reverend Beroald Innes of Inchstellie 1644-1722. This book was given in memory of Linda's mother, Susan Innes Kitchens.

The Huxford Genealogical Society, Inc., of Homerville, Georgia has given The Odom Library copies of The Huxford Genealogical Research Library Research Guide, Books I & II.

William A. "Bill" Heveran and his wife, Rosie, have donated McCranie - Isle of Jura - Argyleshire, Scotland and McCranie Families of North Carolina and Georgia. Thank you, Bill & Rosie! (Bill, you are in our thoughts and prayers during your illness! Please be well!)

Cecil Gaines of Moultrie, Georgia has donated A Map Guide to American Migration Routes, 1735-1815 and The Great Wagon Road to the library. Thank you!

Wallace B. Thompson of Hockessin, Delaware has donated Touch Not the Cat - George B. Mackintosh (1843-1917). Thank you, sir!

Review books this time include Walton County Georgia Cemeteries (West) and Walton County, Georgia Cemeteries (East) from the East Georgia Genealogical Society, PO Box 117, Winder, GA 30680...and Phillip B. Anglin (PO Box 13772, Atlanta, GA 30324) who sent us Milton County, Georgia, Cemeteries. (If you would like copies of these books, you may write the addresses here.)

Longtime wonderful friends of The Odom Library Bob & Jean Barr of DeLand, Florida have donated an entire mini-library! The books include: More Poetic Gems, Poetic Gems, Edinburgh (Kemp), the Patter-Another Blast, Slaughter Under Trust, Burns Chronicle (1972-1977), Bannockburn, Celts Will Travel (Vol. II), Scotland the Brave, St. Gile's Cathedral, Robert Burns Scotland, Prospect of Scotland and The Country Life Picture Book of Scotland.

Mrs. Sally C. Lee of Orlando, Florida has donated another wonderful collection! We appreciate Greene County, Ohio, Births Prior to 1869, How to Research a Family with Illinois Roots, The Ohio Genealogical Guide, Virginia Counties: Those Resulting from Virginia Legislation, Research in Kentucky, Woodford County, Kentucky 1810 -1840 Census, Montgomery County, Kentucky 1850 Census and The Montgomery County, Kentucky 1810-1840 Census.

Dan N. Crumpton of Warrenton, Georgia has donated Warren County, Georgia Land Records, Vol. I.
Bill McMillian of Tifton, Georgia has donated Thru All These Years - A Memoir of a Southern Family.
Thank you to each and every person who has shared their books and materials with us at The Odom Library.

If you have books and materials that you have thoroughly gleaned and wish to open up shelf space at your house...we'd love to have those books and materials in Moultrie! You may just mail via USPS to: PO Box 2828, Moultrie, GA 31776-2828 or via UPS, 204 5th St., SE, Moultrie, GA 31768.
We are delighted to make a bookplate for you with the name of someone or some group you wish to honor or remember.

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