What a great trip! We made
history! It was the largest gathering of Templar Knights & Dames
in over 700 Years! Thought you might like a few pics. When Dina
& Tor show us how, we are going to put all of the pictures up on a
Photo Galery so anyone can see them (and we won't be putting them
down anyone's throats). The Holy Rood, and Jacques de Molay were
well represented and noted at the convent. We had the largest
delegation and, of course, had three (3) lassies dubbed as Dames.
You will see the actual dubbing of one of them. In the Red Hat is
Arch Bishop Groce (Wash. D. C.) At the far right is Arch Bishop
Youman (Lutheran - Palestine). Un-hatted with back to wall on the
left is Cannon White (from office of Arch Bishop of Canterbury)
who lives in Bagdad & Jerusalem. Also in gold and behind the
cameraman is Rev. Father Vasko of Jerusalem. With the black hair
in the center,of course, is Princess Elizabeth Ysenberg in whose
castles the affair took place. (Her husband's father, Count Otto
Ysenberg was one of the 5 who plotted the assasination of Hitler.
3 were killed summarily. Rommel was permitted to commit suicide,
but Otto told Hitler he could hide in Budingen and was permitted
to live. Otto had his fingers crossed behind his back as he gave
full aide and assistance to the British & Americans as they
approached Frankfurt and thus Budingen was spared the destruction
of other areas.) Another pic is of me with the Priory Banner
processing (there were very few Priory banners, so we were notedl)
The pic of Pat in front of the alter also shows GP Pat Rae with
Cannon White. The other pic of Pat is with Prince Ali Seraj of
Aftghanistan. He is a real character (if there were 100 more like
him, there would be no Mid-East crisis). He is a Templar, i.e.
Christian, and was the person Doug Talley worked with on the
childrens school supplies. Pat & I really liked this fellow. I
didn't get a pic of the Ethiopian Prince, who has been the contact
for all of the medical supplies for his country. He is a Muslim,
and thus not a Templar, but just a genuine likeable person.
Here are just a few shots of
the great evening at Princess E's Ronnenber Castle showing the
only utensil provided, the room, the serving "Wenches", and the
wandering minstrels. The beer was absolutely the best. The
wine was also served in the clay tankards.