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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
The Family Tree - December/January 2003
Get your photograph taken with Mel Gibson!

Mel Gibson

Col. Jim Rodgers Armitage, MA and his mother, Ceta Rodgers Armitage both from Tampa, Florida (Mrs. Armitage is past president of the Florida Genealogical Society, Tampa) came into Beth's office carrying Mel Gibson!  (Actually, just a paper cut-out...but Mel Gibson, none-the-less!)  The Armitage's said, "Mel needs a new home...and wanted to come to Braveheart Scottish Weekend next February!" 

So, everyone who comes to Braveheart Scottish Weekend next February 14, 15, 16 will have the opportunity to have their photograph taken with a paper Mel our Odom Library Castle!

In the meantime, Beth is sharing her office with Mel!

Return to Dec/Jan 2003 index


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