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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
The Family Tree - Aug/Sep 2002
Wee Snippets

James Forsythe has been awarded the Silver Thistle Award
James Forsythe was awarded the Nevada Society of Scottish Clan's Silver Thistle Award this spring in Reno Nevada. The Silver Thistle award is granted once a year to a citizen of the area who has contributed to Northern Nevada and who has Scottish ancestry.

Dr. Forsythe has been a major figure in medical circles. He is one of only two physicians in the United States to integrate traditional cancer medical therapies with homeopathic treatments. He has organized and implemented the oncology units at each of the hospitals and their hospice care programs.

He has published many articles concerning cancer research and is often called into special counsel. Jim's grandparents were born in Scotland. He proudly wears the tartan Clan Forsyth.

Get well, J.B.!
J. B. McLaren, known and respected and loved throughout the Scottish community, has been very ill recently. If you would like to send a card or letter, write to: Dr. J. B. McLaren, 3632 Lakeside Dr., Louisville, TN 37777.

Dixon, California has formed a link with Ayr, Scotland
Since its founding over two years ago, the 220 member Dixon Scottish Cultural Association has brought Scottish culture to Dixon, California through its monthly club meetings and annual Scottish festival each late-September at the Dixon Fairgrounds.

Now, the country of Scotland itself will be forever linked to this rural Solano County community, as the Dixon City Council unanimously passed a resolution on June 11 to formally establish a "sister-city" relationship with the Royal Burgh of Ayr on the west coast of Scotland.

Ayr was chosen, as it has much in common with Dixon through agriculture and industry. It also is the hometown of Dixon Scottish club chief James Harris, who was born and raised in Ayr (pronounced "air") before moving to Northern California 25 years ago. Harris was the driving force of the Ayr-Dixon campaign. During a three-week visit to his native home last March, he convinced the Ayr provost (mayor) to adopt Dixon as Ayr's counterpart in the sister-city project over other American cities. There are many advantages for Dixon residents and businesses in this program, including travel discounts to other sister-cities throughout the world, including Ayr, he stated.

After Ayr officials approved a similar sister-city resolution, signs will be posted on the outskirts of Dixon, proclaiming the Ayr-Dixon civic relationship. Ayr representatives will be invited to attend the Dixon Scottish Games & Gathering on Saturday, September 28.

For more information contact: Dixon Scottish Cultural Association, PO Box 561, Dixon, CA 95620.

Here are some facts about electronic data
A recent story published in Business Week has pointed out some interesting facts.

Computer information is just like a foreign language. It is only good if you can read it! Pennsylvania State University recently found that only 14 of some 3000 files could be read because they were based on missing or outdated software.

Today software changes usually allow for old files to transfer to a new version. However, the best idea is to always transfer your files as you update your hardware and software. Usually you can transfer to the next version but you may not be able to do so if you miss several versions or updates.

Testing from the National Media Laboratory in 1995 estimated that the new compact disc format would safely store data 50 years. Magnetic tape, estimated at 20 years, turned out to be painfully true. NASA has lost up to 20% of the 1976 Viking mission data. Data on these new miracle compact discs has turned up missing in as little as five years.

Archival quality microfilm is estimated to last 200 years and can be seen with a light and a magnifying glass.

Thanks to Desert Diggings Newsletter via Lake Havasu Genealogical Society, Inc. Newsletter, PO Box 953, 1750 N. McCulloch Blvd., Lake Havasu City, AZ 86405-0953.

Kenneth and Gunnel Hamilton announce the loss of Gunnel's father Alfred Rant, at 2:50 am, 30 March, 2002. His funeral was held 26 April 11:45 am at Tacks„gelsekyrkan (Thanksgiving Church), Dalarvgen 8, Trangsunds Sweden. His is survived by his wife Ingrid and his daughter Gunnel Hamilton.

Warning! Here is another scam that is going around
There is another scam going around again. You get a notice that you can search over 23 Billion Genealogy Records Right from this web site for $49.95. The name of the web site is "". This has been written up on "Cyndi's List", "Blacksheep", and "ancestordetective". All three say they are a SCAM! Suggestion, you can use the $50 dollars much better!

A big thank you to Appleland Bulletin, Wenatchee Area Genealogical Society, PO Box 5280, Wenatchee, WA 98807-5280.

A family's 250 year silence is broken
An 89 year old woman has faithfully kept a family secret about a controversial Highland murder mystery that has baffled historians for 250 years. Would you like to read about the murder of Colin Campbell of Glenure and the arrest, trial and hanging of James Stewart? Was he innocent? Who actually murdered Colin Campbell?

If you would like a copy of this article, send a SASE to Family Secret, The Family Tree, PO Box 2828, Moultrie, GA 31776-2828.

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