In addition to helping its members
celebrate their own MacDonald heritage, The Michigan Clan Donald
Society helps promote the public awareness of Scottish culture on a
broad basis. Among those efforts, the Society assists the Council of
Scottish Clans and Associations, and its member organizations, to enroll
potential members of the various clans in their local societies.
Since many of the smaller clan
groups may not be represented at each local Highland Games or other
Scottish events in Michigan, individuals interested in joining their own
clan organization often find it difficult to identify a contact person
to enroll them.
The Michigan Clan Donald Society
maintains a current list of these clan representatives and makes them
available to interested people at all local Highland Games. In addition,
the Michigan Society hosts Scottish Information Tables at pipe band
concerts, Burns Dinners, genealogical seminars and a variety of other
activities which Scots attend.
Visitors may learn about a variety
of topics at the Information Tables such as Scottish history, culture,
and customs as well as obtaining assistance in joining their respective
clan organization. These efforts are viewed as a public service for all
interested Scots and clan organizations.
For additional information on how
the Michigan Clan Donald Society operates these promotional activities,
please contact:
Clan Donald Society
2215 Montclair Ave.
Flint, MI 48503