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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Getting started with your Family Tree

To get started in genealogy is actually fairly straightforward...
  • Get pedigree charts and family group sheets.  Make lots of copies. (These charts are available at any LDS Family History Center, good book store, good stationery store...or from Odom Library and copies shown below.)
  • Write letters to all of your aunts, uncles, cousins...all of your family telling them you're going to do family history.  Send them several pedigree charts and family group sheets.  Ask them to fill out and return to you.  (Start Aunt Sally's chart and make Aunt Sally 16 years older than she really is...she will hurt herself getting information back to you.)
  • Make a "master set" of pedigree charts and family group sheets containing all information from your family...and you're ready to go to the library.

Here are the charts for you to see here...

4 generation Pedigree Chart Family Group Sheet 1 Family Group Sheet 2
4 generation Pedigree Chart Family Group Sheet 1 Family Group Sheet 2

Here are some resource lists for you to consider...

Resource List 1 Resource List 2
Resource List 1 Resource List 2

Having got hold of all this you can then check out the general genealogy advice on Electric Scotland which provides various tips and links to good Scottish genealogy resources.


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