by Frank R. Shaw, FSA Scot, Dawsonville, GA, USA
A few weeks ago an article
was posted on Robert Burns Lives! about three Ukrainians and their
outstanding work on Robert Burns. This week I want to tell you a bit more
about one of them, Hanna Dyka, and a Burns event she and her students put on
in honor of Burns’ 255th birthday celebration. Today a treat awaits you as
we look at some youngsters from the school in Kiev which, interestingly, is
a twin city of Edinburgh in gymnasia 56 (high school). These students do not
come from one class but come from many grades and are naturally of different
ages. Hanna, quite a Burns enthusiast, is a relatively new friend of mine,
and she recently wrote in an email that “in 2012 our Junior Robert Burns
Club was enrolled into membership of the Robert Burns World Federation (N
2097).” Hanna goes on to say that “the youngest children are in the 3rd
grade and the rest are from the 5th, 8th, 9th, 10th and 11th grades.” I
think that is quite an accomplishment for this group of youngsters to be a
registered member of the Burns Federation. There are many Burns Clubs in
America that are not members even though it’s so easy to become a member and
so worthwhile not only to the clubs but to the federation itself. To
paraphrase, let the little children lead them!
All of these children are beautiful, well dressed, appear charming, and are
a credit to both their school and their teacher Hanna. This is the sort of
article that is different, heart warming, and gives the children some
worldwide recognition. We all ask for Burns Clubs to seek out a younger
membership as we have done in my own club in Atlanta. Hanna is not only
seeking young children, she is actually leading and instructing them as
well. We should all write Hanna at naticlife@ukr.net to thank her for the
great work she is doing with the youngsters.
The children sang songs and watched some video. At this point I cannot help
but tell you of my experience this past weekend. I delivered the Immortal
Memory to the Savannah St. Andrew’s Society, the longest continuing St.
Andrews Society in America. It was my second time to speak to that
membership and one thing that stood out to me more than anything was not the
haggis which I loved since Gil fixes some of the best I have ever eaten. Nor
was it the beautiful and tasty meal that was served or the open bar which I
stayed away from since I was speaking. What stood out to me was the singing.
Twice during the program, Murray Marshall led the group in singing songs of
Burns. It was an exciting part of the program and actually thrilled me. Few
members looked at the song sheets provided at each plate. Note the songs in
the article below these youngsters sang. I bet they rivaled the membership
of the Savannah St. Andrew’s Society! (FRS: 1.30.14)
Robert Burns 255th
By Robert Burns Kiev Junior Club
Pic.1 Maria Oleksienko, Maria Petrykovetz', me (
Hanna Dyka) , Ivan Shabaev, Yulian Tolkachev, Michael Sydorovsky, Fedir
Dovgan', Katiy Kevlych
Pic.2 Andriy Mazur, Anastasia Gordion, Nazariy
Shapoval, Emilia Maslova, Michael Sydorovsky, Valeria Komarevych, Anastasia
Zhybak, Katia Galukh, Evhen Savchuk, Fedir Dovgan'.
Pic.3 first row : Anastasia Gordion, Yulian Tolkachev,
Ivan Shabaev, Maria Oleksienko, Maria Petrykovetz,Katiy Kevlych
second row : Andriy Mazur, Nazariy Shapoval, Emilia
Maslova, Michael Sydorovsky, Valeria Komarevych, me, Anastasia Zhybak,
Katia Galukh, Evhen Savchuk, Fedir Dovgan'.
Dear Frank
greetings on Robert Burns birthday from ROBERT BURNS KYIV JUNIOR CLUB (
Grant me,
indulgent Heaven, that I may live,
To see the miscreants feel the pains they
Deal Freedom's sacred treasures free as
Till Slave
and Despot be but things
that were.
Members of
the Club
on 24th of January, we had a Burns sitting ( I can't call it a party yet).
Our students delivered short speeches, recited poems, sang and watched
videos. I am sending three pictures and still more are to follow.
Happy Burns
Thank you for complementing
our modest event!
The programme:
At Whigham's Inn, Sanquhar
Robert Burns as a personality by Andrij Mazur,
8th grade
To the Lassies! by Evhen Savchuk,9th grade
From the Lassies by Nastya Zhybak, 10th grade
They sang the following
A Red, Red Rose
For The Sake O'
The Young Highland
O Wert Thou In The
Cauld Blast
To A Mouse, On Turning
Her Up In Her Nest With The Plough
The Wounded Hare
a Dog of Lord Eglinton's
On Hearing It Asserted
Lazy Mist
John Barleycorn: A
A Man's A Man For A'
Lines Inscribed In A
Lady's Pocket Almanac
Auld Lang Syne |