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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Crafty Scots Page 6

A Crazy Quilt
Every stitch by hand.  Every scrap of wool and something left-over from a sewing project...every seam embroidered and every large scrap embellished with fanciful embroidery.  This quilt was made by Annie Roberta McDonald Bishop over 60 years ago and was photographed as a part of the 1996 Georgia Olympic Quilt project.
   Called "A Crazy Quilt," the design simply depended on the size and shape of the scraps available.
   Mrs. Bishop never wasted anything in her Scottish way.  Clothing was remade, patched, mended and finally became a part of a quilt, dolls clothes, polishing cloths or whatever was needed.  Everything was creatively used and reused and then used again...and this is days before "recycling" was even heard of.

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