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Crafty Scots Page 22

What to do with lots of pins?

What to do with lots of pins?  An idea...
Looking at my handful of Scottish Weekend pins.. and I think this is the complete the first few years we didn't have a real pin...I was thinking how easy it would be to lose one.  How could I keep them together and maybe even wear them sometimes?
Ah hah!  I remembered a conversation with Darryl Griner, of Griner's Jewelry in Moultrie.  Darryl had mentioned that he could make almost anything...even using your own old gold or silver!  "If he can use your old gold and silver, maybe he can use my old Scottish Weekend pins!" I thought.
He could.  He did.  And here's the result!  I thought I would share the photo and idea with you as many of our friends collect pins from Highland Games all over the country...or Olympic pins...or pins of most any description. 
Just take your pin collection to your local jeweler and show him this picture!
Beth Gay

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