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The Ellen Payne Odom Genealogy Library Family Tree
Storytimes at the Odom Children's Library

The dog is my sheltie.  He's 10 years old and is getting gray hair like me.  His name is MacTruck McKellar, but we call him "Mac".  His size would disqualify him from any shows or competitions, but for love and companionship he would be the champion!  Mac is our special guest at storytimes this month.  Our programs are all about Scotland.  The children are learning about the flag, some of the animals, kilts, and bagpipes.  One of the books we're reading is Wee Gillis by Munro Leaf.  It's an old, but great book to introduce children to the Lowlands, Highlands, long-haired cows, stags, castles, and bagpipes.  They're also learning a very simple march and dance that I created to go along with some piping music we borrowed from our genealogy library.  Folks attending the Scottish Weekend will be treated to some valentines the children are coloring.  

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