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Scottish Tartan Day Dinner
5th April 2005

His Honour James Bartleman will attend in the capacity of
The Lieutenant Governor of Ontario.

Click here to learn more about Douglas Gibson

Casa Loma

Note: Pictures of the dinner will be posted here after the event

See some pictures from the 2004 dinner here!


Scottish Food Overseas

Zoom Airlines   Electric Scotland
Purchase Your Tickets Online

As Alastair McIntyre is on the board of the Scottish Studies Society he will take your online payments and forward them to the Scottish Studies Society. Note that on your credit card receipt you will see Electric Scotland USA LLC.  Simply click on the button below to purchase your tickets.
Note: It is now too late to get your tickets sent to you but if you keep your PayPal receipt then your tickets will be available at reception when you get to Casa Loma. Just provide them with the receipt when you get there.

Canada’s Scots and Tartan Day Celebrations  |  Scots of the Year


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