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Scottish Culture
This section of the site was mostly built by Peter Wright working for the Scots Independent Newspaper.  Due to the paper deciding to focus purely on Political matters it was decided to do away with the cultural section of "The Flag in the Wind" which is their online presence on the web. Electric Scotland volunteered to archive this material on our site as we believe much of it is of importance for future generations to learn from.

  • Scots Language
    A tremendous resource of Scots words, poems, songs and stories most with Real Audio options so you can listen and learn at the same time.
  • Sing A Sang At Least (300 songs)
    Scotland has a wealth of song. Angus McGillveray's "The Rebel Ceilidh Song Book" has served as an excellent introduction to that richness for visitors to "Flag in the Wind" as well as paying a small tribute to his memory. Angus liked nothing better than a song, a dram ( or two ) and a crack with his many friends. "Flag in the Wind" cannot supply a dram but we can continue delving into the wealth of Scottish song. Angus would have liked that.
  • Scottish Food, Traditions and Customs
    Not only some great Scottish recipes but some great wee stories to go along with them.
  • Notable Dates in History
    An excellent timeline of notable dates in Scottish history.
  • Culloden
    A collection of pictures featuring the Battlefield and the new Culloden Visitor Centre
  • Scottish Quotations
    A variety of quotations in prose and verse reflecting all aspects of Scottish life and outlook from both at home and abroad.
  • A Burns Collection
    It is never to early to plan ahead for your next, or indeed first, Burns Supper, and the intention of this feature is to give you a ready accessible collection of the National Bard’s material for the 25th of January each year.
  • Books
    A selection of historical and nationalist books including Scotland: A Concise History
  • The Working Life of an MSP
    Read a weekly digest of the work of Linda Fabiani, MSP for Central Scotland.
  • Scot Wit
    We add a Scottish joke each week and also record it in RealAudio for you to listen to.
  • The Flag in the Wind
    Telling you how we arrived at our title.
  • SI's Burns Supper
    Here we offer you over an hours listening pleasure to a traditional Burns Supper.
  • Obituaries
    Here we list significant people's obituaries in the cause of Independence.
  • The Oliver Brown Award
    Since 1983 the SI has honoured a Scot each year with an award named after the late W Oliver Brown who over many decades contributed a pithy column which was the first item read by many SI devotees. The "Oliver" was first awarded to the author and climber Tom Weir and is now regarded as the Scottish equivalent the "Brits" so-called honours list.
  • Rebel Ceilidh Song Book
    The first Bo'ness Rebels Ceilidh Song Book came out in 1951 and after several editions of the "Rebel" and "Patriot" song books the most recent one appeared in 1965. These were exciting times and I daresay the wee books helped in some measure to re-instate Folk-song in Scotland at that time.
  • Tartan Day Celebrations
    This is where we hold our Tartan Day celebration pages and will archive ones from previous years.
  • The Athelstaneford Saltire
    Newsletter of the Scottish Flag Trust
  • Unveiling of the Men of Bute Memorial Stone
    The long-awaited "Men of Bute" memorial stone has been unveiled in Rothesay - in a colourful and moving ceremony. A hundred people gathered at the Mercat Cross at the High Street before marching round Rothesay Castle and then on to the site of the Memorial Stone.
  • Golden Age Remembered
    Annual gathering at the Alexander III Commemoration held at Pettycur, Kinghorn, on 21 March 2004.
  • The SI at the SNP Conference 2004
    Pictures of the new editors and other SI staff
  • The Monarch of the Glen
    A BBC TV Series over 7 season based in Scotland
  • Culture in Early Scotland
    By James MacKinnon, M.A., Ph.D. (1892) (pdf)
  • A Literary History of Scotland
    By J. H. Millar, B.A., LL.B., Balliol College, Oxford, Lecturer in International Private Law in the University of Edinburgh (1903) (pdf)
  • Outlines of Human Life
    Sketched by Hercules Cramond, M. D. in the Thirtieth Year of his Age and exemplified by some genuine and well-attested Memoirs of the Author and his Family (1785) (pdf)


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