Practical Solution
Young John was noted in the village and beyond
as a staunch and rabid tee-totaller. To the genuine surprise of his
parents - who were equally strict where 'drink' was concerned - he had
announced his engagement to a young lady who had recently succeeded to a
thriving public house.
But young John faced a problem. He explained to
his father that he would be required to live in the business premises and
had as 'mine host' to join his customers in an occasional friendly drink.
Here was a dilemma - and what did his father think?
John senior nodded slowly and promised to give
the problem careful thought. The next day he announced that he had seen the
"Weill John" he said "yir mither an me kin
see whit a sair temptation it wull be wi sae muckle drink aboot. Bit we
baith ken fine that business is business an we see nae hairm in yir haen a
bittie drink whiles wi the customers - as lang as ye dinna enjoy it!"