Is Scotland Aiberdeen an twaal mile roon?
Scotland is mair nor that - a hantle mair.
It's muckle hills, their riggins roch an bare,
Lang-storied cities, mony a burgh toon,
Steen castles at were eence the nation's croon.
Seas tae the wast, wi islands here or there,
Rivers, wids, fairms, clean in the caller air,
Mines, harbours, airports - croodin sicht an soon.
But aye there's mair. There's his wirsels, the
Heilan an Lowlan, here an hyne ootbye.
In aa the warl we've aye been seekin space
To bigg wir hooses, howk wir parks an plots.
Scotland's a thocht, a state o mind. Aawye
Scotland's far we are. Scotland's ony place.