" Feetikins, feetikins, when will
they gang ? "
Hear ye the burden o' grannie's auld
Crooned to the bairnie that lauchs
on her knee ;
Feetikins, feetikins, bide ye a wee.
Bonnie wee feetikins, dinna be rash
Toddlin' means trouble, an' trial,
an' fash ;
Feetikins, feetikins, dancin' in
Bide while ye may upon auld
grannie's knee !
" Feetikins, feetikins, when will
they gang "
Doun by the burnie the gowans amang
Feetikins, feetikins, eager an'
Dinna gang far oot o' auld grannie's
sicht !
" Feetikins, feetikins, when will
they gang "
The day has just dawned, but the
journey is lang ;
Grannie wad fain hae ye startit in
Sae rins the moral o' grannie's auld