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Trout in Beer

Brewing in Scotland has a long history and part of that rich tradition will be celebrated later this month at the Campaign for Real Ale (CAMRA) Scottish Traditional Beer Festival in the Assembly Rooms, 54 George Street, Edinburgh, from Thursday 14 June to Saturday 16 June 2007. Beers in Scotland are still referred to as 60/- (Light), 70/- (Heavy), 80/- (Export) and 90/- (Strong Wee Heavy). This dates back to the excise duty levied on each barrel in the 19th century. One of the CAMRA festival highlights will be the ‘Shilling Experience’ which will celebrate the remaining examples of Scotland’s traditional beer style. The ‘Shilling Experience’ will feature a range of traditional Shilling Ales including Belhaven 60/-, 70/-, 80/- & 90/- and Caledonian 80/- plus a selection of newer interpretations from smaller new breweries including Exciseman’s 80/- from Broughton, Fowler’s Prestonpans 80/- and Stewart’s 80/-.

Now in its fifth year the event showcases 120 of Scotland’s finest cask ales and for the first time NO beers from England will be on sale – some cider, perry and a selection of German bottled beers will however appear in the Assembly Rooms. A surprisingly large number of the real ales on show will come from Scottish islands. During the festival the CAMRA Champion Beer of Scotland will be judged and as in past years competition show prove strong.

Opening hours are – Thursday 4-11pm; Friday & Saturday noon-11pm - and Admission £4 Non-members, £3 Members, except for Friday after 6pm - £5 Non-members, £4 Members. Go along and enjoy a real Scottish pint.

This week’s recipe combines the excellence of Scottish trout and beer and is aptly – Trout in Beer!

Trout in Beer

Ingredients: 2 trout; 1 cup light beer; 1 cup dry white wine; ½ cup vinegar; 4 slices of lemon; parsley to serve

Method: Clean and prepare trout and place in a shallow saucepan. Mix beer, vinegar and white wine together and pour over fish. Bring to the boil and simmer till cooked. Drain and garnish with lemon slices and parsley. Delicious served with new potatoes. Serves 2.

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