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Summer Fish

This year is the 1440th anniversary of the journey by St Columba in the sixth century from the north of Ireland to Iona for the beginning of his missionary work in Scotland. St Columba, driven by strong winds, landed with his twelve companions on Iona on 12 May 563. On Monday (9 June 2003) an internationalist team of rowers set sail in a 37 ft canvas skin curragh, named Columcille ( the Saint's Gaelic name), following the route taken by St Columba from Ballycastle, across the Irish Sea to Iona. Sixteen rowers led by Scots-born Donald MacCallum who now lives in the USA hope to make landfall on Sunday on the shores of Iona.
St Columba said of Iona "Small and mean though this place is, great and special honour will be conferred upon it." His words have proved to be correct and Iona still holds a special place in spiritual hearts. Columba was not the first Christian missionary to work in Scotland but was one of the most important. Thanks to the groundwork laid by St Columba and his companions, Iona's fame as a missionary centre and place of learning spread across Europe, turning it into a place of pilgrimage. Recognised as a 'Holy place', early Kings of Scotland, Ireland and Norway were buried in the three mile long island.
Fish must have played a large part in the diet of St Columba and his followers and this week we will toast the brave rowers following in the Saint's footsteps with a fish treat - Summer Fish. Once again 'The Anniversary Cook-Book of the Dumfriesshire Federation SWRI (1922-1992) comes up trumps with a tasty dish.
Summer Fish
Ingredients : 4 to 6 fillets of sole or plaice (skinned); salt and freshly ground black pepper; butter and lemon juice
Sauce : 4 oz (125 g) cottage cheese; 2 hard boiled egg yolks, sieved; 2 tablespoon cream; salt and pepper
Brush fillets with butter and lemon juice, lightly salt and pepper. Roll them up from head to tail, secure with wooden cocktail sticks. Place on a heatproof plate cover and steam gently for about fifteen minutes, until fish is just cooked, but still firm. Set aside to cool. sauce :- Rub the cottage cheese through a sieve into a bowl. Blend in the sieved egg yolks, cream, salt and pepper. To serve, place fillets on individual plates and add sauce (slice of lemon and parsley to decorate). Serve cold.  

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