At Burns Suppers the world over, folk are enjoying the traditional
Haggis, Neeps an Tatties, but in days gone by the menu could be much
more extensive. You would have to be a very good trencherman to have
coped with the menu provided by the Station Hotel, Portsoy in 1920 !
Alistair Walker of Bannockburn has kindly provided us with a copy of
the Station Hotel menu which appeared in the North-East's favourite
newspaper, The Press & Journal. According to the P & J, a visitor to
the hotel last summer from Paisley had subsequently found the menu, in
the form of a postcard, in a relation's belongings and forwarded it to
the present hotelier Sylvia Goodbrand. The 1920 menu certainly took to
heart Robert Burns' claim that 'Whisky and Freedom gang thegither' as
every course needs a Dram !
'Our Menu at Portsoy' begins with the Selkirk Grace -
Some hae meat and canna eat,
An some wad eat that want it,
But we hae meat an we can eat,
Sae let the Lord be thankit.
- and continues
SOUPS. Sheep's Heid Kail. Cockie-Leekie. Hen Bree, an' a Dram.
FISH. Cauld Saumon. Troots. Tawties an' Herrin'. Anither Dram.
HAGGIS WI' A' THE HONOURS. "Fair fa' your honest sonsie face, Great
chieftain o' the puddin' race !
JOINTS. Sautit soo's leg biled. Gigots o' Mutton Roastit. Laich Cuts
o' Beef Roastit. Peas. Ingans. Tawties. biled and champit. Bashed
Neeps an' ither Orra Vegetables. Anither Dram.
ENTREES AND ORRA DISHES. Roast Bubblyjocks Stuffed. Roastit Jucks.
Stoved Hens. Doo Pie. Trumlin' Tam. Hech ! Anither Tastin'.
DESSERT AND SICLIKE. Grozet Tairt. Aiple Tairt. Rhubarb Tairt. Baps.
Bakes. Ait Cake in Farls. Parleys. Curran' Loaf wi' raisins intilt.
Scones. Snaps. Shortbread wi' Sweeties on't. Curds and Cream.
Glesca Jeeline an' ither trifles. My certie, we'll hae anither dram.
Kebbucks, green an' mitey.
WINES. Toddy. Scotch Toddy. Hielan Toddy. Athol Brose. Strong Yill.
Barley Bree frae weel kent Scottish Vineyards.
FINALE. - We're no that fou. And we'll tak' a cup o' kindness yet.
NOTE - For Teetotal Folk and siclike. Claret ( which some folk ca'
Soordook ), Cuddle my Dearie, New Maskit Tea, Skeichan, Treacle
Yill, and ither drinks o that ilk.
This weeks recipe comes from the Portsoy menu, but as chicken is
nowadays much more available than hen, instead of Stoved Hen, we
will enjoy Stoved Chicken - a Highland dish combining potatoes and
chicken, also known as Chicken Stovies.
Stoved Chicken
Ingredients : 4 chicken joints; 2 tbsp seasoned flour; 2 oz butter; 1
lb onions, sliced; 2 lb potatoes, peeled and sliced; half pint chicken
stock or water. Garnish - chopped parsley
Preheat the oven to 350 deg F/ 180 deg C or gas mark 4
Flour the chicken and brown lightly in the butter in a frying pan.
Place a layer of potatoes and onions in a casserole, season and place
two joints on top. Cover with a layer of potatoes and onions, season
and add two other joints. Pour over remaining butter in frying pan and
finish with a layer of potatoes. Add stock or water. Cover with a
tight-fitting lid and bake for one and a half hours in a moderate
oven. Remove lid towards the end of the cooking time, brush potatoes
with a little melted butter and allow to brown on top by leaving off
the lid. Sprinkle with parsley and serve.