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Fife Broth

In spite of the cancellation of some Games, due to the foot-and-mouth outbreak, the 2001 Highland Games season is now underway. Many of the places holding Games, such as Markinch in Fife ( this Sunday ), are, of course, far from the Highlands but are popular venues for all that. Games and sports have been held for over a thousand years and were originally organised  to find the best runners to provide communications over our rugged countryside. Many modern Highland Games still echo this original purpose with the incorporation of a Hill Race eg The Binn Race at Burntisland in Fife. Pipe Band Competitions, Solo Piping and Highland Dancing all add colour to the modern Games alongwith the traditional Heavyweight Competition and Track & Field Events. No visit to Scotland during the Games season would be complete without attending a Highland Gathering and seeing Scots throwing large trees ! - Tossing the Caber. Perhaps a plate of Fife Broth will give the Heavies at Markinch the necessary energy to toss the perfect Caber.

Fife Broth
Ingredients : 1 lb ( 500 g ) pork ribs; 1/2 lb ( 250 g ) potatoes; 2 1/2 pt ( 1 1/4 L ) water; 1 1/2 oz ( 40 g ) barley; salt and pepper. Garnish - parsley
 Put the ribs into the pan with water and bring to the boil. Skim and add barley and potatoes. Simmer for 2 to 2 1/2 hours. Remove the ribs and cut off the meat. Dice finely and return to soup. Check seasoning, garnish with parsley and serve. 


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