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Dundee Marmalade

Before Dundee reinvented itself as the "City of Discovery", it had been known to generations of Scottish schoolchildren as the home of the Three J's - Jute, Jam and Journalism.

Journalism is still to the fore. D C Thomson, publishers of dozens of comics (such as The Dandy and The Beano), magazines and the only wholly-owned Scottish daily newspapers, still have their headquarters in the city. No true Dundonian (as The Flag's Jim Lynch and Marilyn Wright would testify) could start their day without reading Dundee's own Courier! But the Jute industry, which dominated Dundee employment from the 19th century, is now  no more. You can visit the Verdant Works to discover how King Jute used to be manufactured. The Jam industry, particularly the famous Dundee marmalade, has also gone the way of Jute.
The start of the world famous Keiller's marmalade from Dundee began by chance in 1700. The story goes that a humble Dundee grocer, the young James Keiller, took advantage of a Spanish ship taking refuge from a winter storm in Dundee harbour carrying a large cargo of Seville oranges. These he bought in large quantity, very cheaply, but found that owing to their bitterness he was unable to sell them! His ingenious wife, Janet, not wishing to waste the fruit, used the oranges, instead of her normal quinces, to make some pots of preserve. They proved to be so popular that the Dundee public demanded more and the Keiller's from then on ensured a regular order for Seville oranges. Several generations later, in 1797, another Mrs Keiller and her son James finally felt confident enough to build the world's first marmalade factory.
Like the original Mrs Keiller you too can make and enjoy the marmalade that Dundee, so proudly, gave to the world.
Dundee Marmalade
Ingredients : 2 lb Seville or bitter oranges; 2 lemons; 4 pt water; 4 lb preserving sugar (Makes about 4 lb)
Wash the oranges and lemons and put, whole, into a large saucepan or preserving pan, add the water, and put the lid on. Bring to the boil and simmer for one and half hours so that you can easily pierce the fruit. When they are ready, take them out and leave them on a big dish to cool. With a sharp knife, slice them into the thickness you like, and remove any pips. Add these pips to the juice, boil for ten minutes, then strain. Add the sliced fruit to the juice and bring to the boil; then add the sugar. Stir over a gentle heat until it is disolved, then boil up rapidly, without stirring, for about half an hour, or until setting point (approximately 220 deg F.) is attained. A small spoonful put on to a cold saucer will 'wrinkle' up when the dish is tilted - if the marmalade is cooked enough. Pour into warmed jars, and cover at once.


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