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Boiled Mutton

On the same day that Beijing was awarded the 2008 Olympic Games, it was announced that the 2005 Island Games were to be held, for the first time, in Shetland. The Island Games were first held in the Isle of Man in 1985 and the 2001 Games which finished on Friday 13 July returned to Man once again. The successful Games, the largest to date, covering 15 sports, attracted 2,151 competitors and 403 officials from 22 islands, world-wide, including Orkney and Shetland. Both Scottish islands have participated in all 9 Games, held every two years, and were among the 2001 medal winners.
                                Gold  Silver  Bronze
Shetland                       2      6         10
Orkney                         0      2           2
And Shetland gained the biggest prize of all, by winning the right to stage the 2005 Games, which will see a massive boost to the Shetland economy with over 2,500 visitors. Thought is being given to chartering one or two cruise ships for the use of visiting competitors and officials.
Shetland farmers should ensure that their excellent produce is well to the fore in delighting the palates of their visitors. The quality of Shetland sheep is renowned and this recipe for Boiled Mutton provides not only a wonderful meat dish but has the added bonus of a splendid soup.
Boiled Mutton
Serves 8-10
2 lb ( 1 Kg ) best end of neck or gigot; 2-3 carrots; 2 large onions, finely chopped; 5 oz ( 150 g ) turnip; 16 small new potatoes or 8 large, halved; 4 pts ( 2 L ) water; 1 tsp salt; 2 tsp sugar
Put the water, sugar and salt into a large pan and bring to the boil. Put in meat, skim and simmer for 1 hour. Cut the carrots into spears and cut turnip into 1 inch ( 2.5 cm ) cubes and add to the pot with the onion. Cook for another 30 minutes till both the meat and vegetables are tender. To serve, remove the meat and cut into thick slices. Remove potatoes, carrots and turnips and serve with the meat. Add a little of the broth to moisten. Garnish with parsley.
Serve the broth next day garnished with parsley. Any leftover meat can be diced and returned to the pot.


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