come from several lines of Scots. My maternal grandfather is a
Ramsay. His father Alexandar Ramsay was born and raised in
Glasgow; also descendents of Alan Ramsay, the poet and his son (1700's)
whose paintings hang in the National Musuem in Edinburgh; and the
Ramsay's of Dalhousie.
I grew up listening to my grandfather's
stories of Scotland, folk history and tales and dancing the Highland
Fling. It was a thrill for me visiting Scotland, on several occasions,
finding so much family history.
On my paternal side, McPheeters, I'm told
that we go back to one Peter Hume during Jacobean times or earlier.
As for me, I was born in the US. My
father an American my mother, Canadian. I ventured off in the
early 70's to San Francisco where I retired from Silicon Valley as an
executive director of International business.
began painting as a youth, but was much more interested in science and
medicine, so mainly dabbled. Retiring 5 years ago, I began looking
for something to keep me busy. I found myself working with
ceramics creating one of a kind plates, bowls and other types of dishes
and vases. Than I discovered watercolor. I'm just beginning
to venture out with my paintings. As you can see I have a fairly
unique style. Certainly not one everyone will like. One
either loves or hates my painting style.
They are described as "happy" due to my impressionist style.
I'm working on a Women around the Globe
series which I expect to be completed sometime late 2001.
sell my work locally in the form of 8 x 11 prints and note cards.
They are quite popular locally. I simply haven't had time to
market them. Thus, I don't yet have a web site.
I'm having an art show in December where
my work will be showcased along with 6 other artists.
The local Kinko's love my work so much
that they used 10 of my paintings for displays including 2 they made
into marketing posters for themselves.
Currently, I'm working to illustrate a
book of poetry for a writer in NYC.
