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The City of Guelph, Ontario, Canada
Business in Guelph

Business Profile

This section provides statistical data on the businesses and companies located in Guelph.

For information on specific Guelph companies, search our Guelph Business and Membership Directory.


Business Support Services
Guelph is a great place to do business. Listed below are just some of the business services providers in Guelph.


Distribution of Businesses by Year Established
This table breaks down the number of Guelph companies by the year the company was established.


Distribution of Manufacturing Industries by Major Group
This table breaks Guelph's Manufacturing Sector down by Major Group.


Economic Growth Indicators
These charts and graphs illustrate Guelph's economic growth. Charts include Total Building Permits in 1999, Total Annual Permits from 1995 - 1999, Construction Values, Assessment by Property Category, and Change in Assessment from 1999 to 2000.


Financial Services Available in Guelph
The following financial institutions are represented in Guelph and are eager to do business with you.


Major Employers in Guelph
This is a list of Major Employers in Guelph by Number of Employees.


Major Non-Industrial Employers
This table provides the names of the largest non-industrial employers in Guelph and the number of employees at each establishment.


Distribution of Businesses by Employment Size
This chart breaks the companies in the Guelph Business and Membership Directory 1999-2000 down by number of employees. The majority of Guelph's companies employ under 50 people.


Distribution of Businesses by SIC
This table shows a breakdown of Guelph Businesses based on Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) Divisions which classify businesses by their main economic activity.


True Competitve Advantage is found within Guelph


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