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Rambles Through the Land of Burns

To ramble through the land of Burns is an easy matter; but to describe it, so as to make the reader enjoy it in a description, is a somewhat difficult task. Notwithstanding, after considerable misgiving, the writer has essayed it, and in following the footsteps of his illustrious countryman, ROBERT BURNS, from the cottage of his birth to the scene of his death and burial, he has called attention not only to the rich natural beauty of the various districts celebrated by the residence and muse of the Poet, but also to their historical and traditional associations, and to passages in his life and writings inseparably connected with them. Having done this, and pointed out numerous interesting objects, he lays no claim to originality, and aspires to no higher merit than that of having gathered a posy of other men’s flowers and bound it together with a string on his own, in a manner, he fondly hopes, that will interest the reader and make it a not unworthy contribution to the thought-gemmed literary cairn already raised to the memory of the Peasant Poet.


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