Felidae, or Cats proper, comprise the
most numerous group of the family of Carnivora, and are to be found
well-nigh all over the world excepting the Arctic regions and Australasia;
but in Europe we have, with a solitary exception, only one indigenous
species, the Wild Cat, formerly designated Felis catus, but
according to the latest authorities better described scientifically as
F. sylvestris; the Scottish having been recently further distinguished
from the Continental form as F. sylvestris grampia. Only in
Sardinia is an exception to be found, where a local representative of the
Egyptian cat occurs, described as F. ocreata sarda. Singularly
enough, the wild cat has never been found in Ireland.
This is, perhaps, the most
interesting of the remaining feral inhabitants of our Scottish Highlands,
to which it is to-day restricted, although at one time doubtless to be
found throughout Great Britain.
In its immensely powerful muscular development, resembling in this its
congeners the great cats of warmer climates, its untameable ferocity and
love for the solitude of remote and inaccessible fastnesses, it recalls
the days when the Caledonian forests held other and yet more powerful
beasts of `ravin.'
In the latter half of the last
century there appeared to be much reason to believe that this species was
rapidly approaching extinction. So bloodthirsty and formidable an animal
had necessarily many enemies. Young red-deer calves, fawns of roe-deer,
hares, rabbits, sickly lambs, game and other birds of every sort and their
young-even domestic poultry-all were laid under tribute as occasion
served. The rapid rise and increase of sheep farming throughout the
Highlands, and the enhanced values of all sporting property brought about
by the greater travelling facilities which served to make the waste places
of Scotland more and more the play ground of the wealthy Southron, brought
about many a change ; and the wild cat suffered unremitting persecution
along with the marten, the polecat, the eagles, the osprey and yet others
of our northern fauna - some now extinct, some still hovering on the
verge. It was even maintained by some - and may possibly even yet be
held-that the wild cat as a pure and unmixed species had already ceased to
exist ; that those still here and there to be found were no longer the
legitimate descendants of the original indigenous species, but were only
mongrels ; the pure strain having been already lost by admixture with the
straying domestic cat. To-day, however, those best informed maintain that
absolutely pure-bred and undoubted descendants of our original wild cat
still exist in Scotland, and that, too, in increasing numbers.
The wild cat was widely distributed
over the middle and southern districts of Europe, although nowadays in
many parts exterminated by the advance of population and agriculture, and
therefore restricted to-day to the wilder and less accessible regions; and
is, as already stated, with one exception, the sole representative of the
cats proper native to this Continent. Beyond our own country it is to be
found, if in ever-diminishing numbers, in France and Germany, Poland and
Russia, throughout Southern Europe and Turkey to the Caucasus; but, it is
believed, not to the east of the Urals. Singularly enough, it is quite
unknown in Scandinavia; and this is noticeable from the point of view of
scientific nomenclature. As has been well pointed out by Mr. R. J. Pocock,
Superintendent of the Zoological Society's Gardens, one of our best
authorities on this species and its congeners, the specific name catus
was given by Linnaeus, who must in doing so have meant the domestic
cat, the only species which he knew, unless by hearsay; and it is quite
evident that he took it for granted that the wild and domestic cat were
one and the same animal. Since his day most writers seem to have followed
him in this. But here the large and doubtful question of the origin of our
domestic cat at once meets us; and this being admittedly unsettled, it
seems that these modern writers are well advised who retain the
designation catus for one of the house-cats to which Linnaeus first
applied it, and accept sylvestris to distinguish the wild cat.
Linnaeus' description of the stripes
of catus are not applicable to the wild cat, but is clearly that of
the 'blotched' tabby form ; and this is a strong argument for the
rejection of catus for the former.
It is certainly true that the wild
and domestic cats stand in very close relationship. Blasius points out
certain small differences in the skulls of the two forms by which they may
be separated, if with difficulty ; but the two races interbreed freely,
and unquestionably mongrels may frequently occur. Those, however, who have
made a study of the subject and are familiar with the true wild cat can
hardly fail to distinguish at once the pure from those of mixed descent.
Perhaps the most usual point of difference adverted to in discussion or
writings on the subject is that of the tail, which is averred to be
thicker at the tip than the more pointed tail of the house-cat ; but this
is really only a matter of hair, the skeleton of the tail being in both
cases much alike, as far as taper is concerned. It has been pointed out by
Mr. Pocock that there is an exact parallel in the case of the tigers of
India and Mongolia respectively ; where in the short-haired Indian tiger
the tail is tapered, but in the long-haired northern individual is thick
at the point, - just as in the wild cat and for the same reason, the
greater length and thickness of the hair covering it. An analogous
instance occurs in the case of the extraordinarily thick fur of the cats
kept in the Pittsburg refrigerators and on the Island of St. Paul, - as
compared with the opposite extreme of shortness of hair in the cats of
East Africa. It seems to follow that length or thickness of fur cannot be
held to be of much value in a question of systematic discrimination.
In the patterns, however, shown in
the stripes or spots and blotches, to be found on all cats not self-coloured,
careful investigation has proved that these are found to be, in
practically all cases, divisible into two categories, the `striped' and
the `blotched'; and it is by continuing his investigations on these lines
that Mr. Pocock comes to the conclusions which are to be found in his
interesting paper in the Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1907.
In comparing the European wild cat (sylvestris) and the
Egyptian (ocreata) the resemblances are so many and the
distinctions so few that it seems to be questionable whether they can be
held to be other than types of the same species differentiated, in some
degree, by varying climate and other surroundings; and it is also to be
remembered that their natural areas meet, so that the two may well have
interbred. It is impossible here to reproduce all the arguments and
deductions - many of them new, and all of them as interesting as able, -
to be found in Mr. Pocock's paper; but the result arrived at in the
question of the origin of the domestic cat may probably be fairly
summarised to this effect, viz. that it is impossible to decide
positively; but the striped form so clearly resembles both the African and
European wild cat that in all probability these are, in greater or lesser
proportion, the progenitors of this form; while the blotched type cannot
be so accounted for ; and its origin, for the present at least, must
remain undecided.
To return to the wild cat in our own
land, we have proof of its former wider distribution in the number of
place-names associated with it, not in the Highlands only but also in the
Lowlands. In a Fauna of Scotland, 188o, by the late E. R. Alston,
F.L.S., it is stated : 'Once generally distributed all over the mainland,
the Wild Cat has been totally extirpated in the Lowlands and in many parts
of the Highlands. It is still to be found, however, in the wilder
districts of most of the 'Northern Counties, especially in the
deer-forests, where it is left comparatively undisturbed. Till of late
years its Southern outpost was the mountainous country around Loch Lomond,
whence there are specimens in the Glasgow University Museum, but it is now
extinct in that neighbourhood, and I believe that none now exist south of
the Northern districts of Argyll and Perthshire. There appears to be no
evidence that the wild cat was ever found in any of the Islands, Pennant's
statement that it was a native of Arran being probably erroneous.'
To-day the localities where it is
still to be found are rather to be described as the western and
north-western districts of the Highlands. The principal area of
distribution extends from Northern Argyll through Moydart and Knoydart up
to Northern Inverness-shire, in all suitable localities west of the
Caledonian Canal and in the vicinity of the Canal itself. Steep craggy
hill-sides, deep gloomy glens shaggy with tall heather and bracken,
natural fir and birch-woods strewn with cairns, fallen boulders and
ancient tree-trunks,-such are the places where they take up their abode ;
and so retiring and nocturnal are they in their habits that were it not
for tell-tale traces in the winter snow, often for long they would remain
The wild cat has been known to breed
in confinement. In Fauna of the North- West Highlands and Skye, Mr.
J. A. Harvie-Brown gives this extract from a letter from Mr. Alfred
Heneage Cocks, dated January 29th, 1887: `A kitten of the true Wild Cat, a
female, about 2j months old, was sent to me from Kinlochewe, W.
Ross-shire, on July 28th, arriving here, Great Marlow, Bucks, on 31st,
1873, and it bred four years with a male from Inverness; July 13th, 1875,
3; May 21st, 1876, 2; May 29th, 1877, 3; May 23rd, 1878, 2 kittens.
Gestation was 68 days, and the kittens at birth about double the size of
tame ones.' Mr. Pocock has kindly sent to the writer an account of the
breeding in the Zoological Society's Gardens, London, of a male Scottish
wild cat with an Egyptian cat (Felis ocreata). Particulars of this
interesting experiment were given, with excellent photographs, in the
Proceedings of the Zoological Society, 1907. The striking
configuration of the markings of the surviving kitten ` confirmed Mr.
Pocock's opinion that the striped-tabby Domestic Cat of Europe was
descended from the European and African Wild Cats (Felis sylvestris
and Felis ocreata).'
That our wild cat will interbreed
with the domestic cat has always been taken for granted, but is a
positively ascertained fact; as one gentleman at least, Mr. A. H. Cocks,
has succeeded several times in obtaining the cross.
In proof that the wild cat is, up to
the present day at least, by no means so near extinction as has sometimes
been assumed, it may be noted that living specimens are offered to the
Zoological Society every winter; and within a few weeks in 1909 no less
than three were reported as killed in one West Highland district; the
latest is said to have measured 40 inches in length, and to have weighed
14 lbs. Bell gives the length of the average male as being: head
and body, 1 foot 10 inches, tail fully 11 inches - total, 33 inches; but
states that the dimensions vary greatly in individuals, as might be
expected. The female is the smaller of the two.
It would be a sad loss to our
Scottish fauna if this animal, in many respects the most interesting of
our remaining wild inhabitants, were to be exterminated; and should those
in a position to afford protection to it in its few remaining haunts
neglect to do so, it is all the more likely that this may result, as a
tempting price is always forthcoming for good specimens, dead or alive. If
the schemes for the re-afforestation of Scotland, of which to-day we hear
so much, should take substantial form in the near future, it may afford
the best hope that such a consummation may yet be averted. |