No part of the United Kingdom has of
late years attracted a greater portion of public attention than the
Highlands of Scotland. Formerly isolated as the inhabitants were from
their fellow subjects, by a different language and separate interests,
their character was but little known and less admired. Devoted to their
chiefs and feudal institutions, they entertained a sovereign contempt for
their neighbours; and, in their occasional intercourse with them,
displayed feelings and manners little calculated to gain confidence or
secure esteem.
But when the Rebellion in 1745, and
its consequences, nearly annihilated feudal power, and broke down the wall
of partition, by which the mountaineer was so long divided from the
inhabitant of the plain, a new light was reflected upon his manners and
habits. The gradual establishment of commercial and friendly relations
with the inhabitants of other countries, accelerated the decay of mutual
prejudices; and the virtues of the Highlander, which were previously
reserved for home consumption, were now duly appreciated by the world. He
no longer appeared the rude and unprincipled depredator, but the generous
and disinterested character, whose romantic and chivalrous habits were
rendered peculiarly interesting, as the remains of those boldly defined
virtues which distinguished our primitive ancestors. Accordingly, the
genius of the age became speedily alive to the importance of so novel and
interesting a character. Shaping its course to the Highland mountains, it
discovered among their unexplored recesses, those plentiful materials, on
which are founded some of the most splendid works which adorn the circle
of British literature.
Nor have all those superstructures
yet exhausted so fertile a mine. Notwithstanding all the research that has
been employed in tracing the origin, and delineating the manners of the
inhabitants, and the many ingenious descriptions we have had of their
local scenery, there are still many hidden treasures left for discovery,
which presently languish in obscurity. This observation applies with great
truth to those more remote and romantic regions which, from their secluded
situations, have been long inaccessible to the approach of learning and
genius; and where the native inhabitants, from want of intercourse with
their more refined and effeminate countrymen, are the true representatives
of our ancient forefathers in their various feelings and habits.
Of the manners and character of this
noble and poetic race of mountaineers, little is known further than what
may be collected from the manners of their contemporaries, in more
accessible parts of the country; and it yet remains for the Great
Unknown, or one possessing some share of his pre-eminent abilities, to
paint their character in its genuine colours. The great defect which
especially exists in the delineation of the Highlander’s superstitions,
becomes peculiarly apparent to one, who has an opportunity of
investigating those relics of the less polished ages of the world, as they
are still exhibited in the habits of the people of whom we are writing.
Many of the more prominent and common features of this branch of our
national peculiarities have, indeed, been, long ago. celebrated by the
pens of the immortal Burns, Ramsay, Sir Walter Scott, and others of less
note, while much light has been lately thrown on the general character of
the Scottish Highlander, by the ingenious Mrs Grant of Laggan, and the
gallant Colonel Stewart of Garth; but the more interesting and latent
peculiarities have been left to expire in the dark. The want of a complete
and systematic account of the Highland and Scottish Superstitions, is a
desideratum in our national literature, which the philosophic mind
will readily regret; and this regret will be the more sincere on
reflecting, that, from the fading aspects those interesting relics have
now assumed, it as a desideratum which, in the course of a few
years, cannot be supplied. The decline of popular romance is keeping pace
with the progress of knowledge and civilization,— which, as they illumine
the unenlightened mind, open it to the folly of its prejudices; and thus
the time is hastening its approach, when the natives of our remotest glens
shall be no longer inspired with reverence for the fairy turret, nor shall
their social circle be contracted by the frightful tale.
Far be it, however, from the writer
of these pages to wish the reign of superstition prolonged. But, while he
would hail with delight, the total extirpation of every prejudice tending
to enslave the mental energy of the noble Gael, he would as ardently
desire their perpetuation on the page of history, as his ancient
peculiarities. Divested as they will soon be of their formidable
character, we would preserve them as the most ancient relics we could
transmit to our posterity, to whom, in the course of a few centuries, they
may appear as preposterous and incredible, as the Poems of Ossian, do now,
to the more sceptical part of the present generation.
It was not, however, the writer’s
conviction of the utility of such a work as this alone, that induced him
to undertake a task for which, he is afraid, he will be found to have been
ill qualified. A considerable time ago, an impaired state of health
rendered it necessary for him to abandon his professional labours for a
time, and to retire from the metropolis to the place of his nativity. The
lassitude of mind consequent on a total remission from all employment,
induced him to seek some rational source of amusement; and the idea of
investigating the opinions and customs of his countrymen, was suggested to
him by various circumstances, as likely to afford instruction as well as
entertainment. His opportunities were most ample, and his task, of course,
comparatively easy. Surrounded by the most original, brave, and ingenuous
class of Highlanders existing, and possessing considerable knowledge of
their language and manners, the writer found it no difficult matter to
become completely acquainted with their prejudices and habits. By visiting
the most celebrated professors of traditional lore in the district, he
speedily acquired not only a fundamental knowledge of the reigning
principles of superstition, but likewise an inexhaustible store of tales
and traditions. And by mingling occasionally with the peasantry in their
public and private festivities, he was enabled, from personal observation,
to draw faithful portraits of those scenes of mirth and festivity, for
which the inhabitants are so eminently distinguished. The result of his
observations afforded him so much satisfaction, that he thought it worth
while, from time to time, to commit the particulars to paper,—not with the
view of urging them on the public, but for his own private amusement. Of
late, however, the increasing avidity with which traits of the Highland
Superstitions have been received, as developed in the tales of the day,
suggested to him the idea of submitting his gleanings to the public, in
the form of a detailed account of the Superstitions and Festivities of the
Highlanders of Scotland; and he hopes, however defective may be its
execution, the design is not altogether unworthy of public patronage.
To arrange his gleanings in a
connected and systematic order, was an undertaking far more tedious than
the collection of them. The traits of Highland superstition are of so
various and heterogeneous a character, that it appeared almost wholly
impracticable to connect and digest them into the form of a connected
narrative; and yet, in any other shape, they would necessarily lose much
of the interest which they possess in their present form. Sensible of
this, he has endeavoured, to the best of his ability, to arrange the
different traits under their proper heads, in the most systematic and
connected manner practicable, without introducing extraneous matter, which
would not only destroy the native complexion of the subject, but also
swell the Iimits of the work. By excluding solemn dissertation from such
ludicrous relations as the following, he has been enabled to compress many
particulars into little space, while his delineations possess a greater
degree of truth and fidelity. To illustrate the various traits set forth,
the writer has interspersed his delineations with a collection of the most
popular tales of the day. These tales, whether they be the creation of the
imagination, or the offspring of the credulity of their own original
authors, cannot now fail to interest the philosopher or the antiquary,
while they may amuse the less profound. For, utterly destitute of all
probability, and broadly ludicrous as they may appear to the polished
reader, they are, nevertheless, those interesting channels, by which the
feelings and habits of our earliest forefathers have been kept alive, and
transmitted down through so many changeful ages, to their posterity of the
present day.
The length of those primitive
relations is necessarily much abridged, but a strict regard has been had
to their original style and phraseology. The language is almost entirely
borrowed from the mouth of the Highland narrator, and translated, it is
hoped, in a manner so simple and unvarnished, as to be perfectly
intelligible to the capacity of the peasant, for whose fireside
entertainment this little volume may, perhaps, be peculiarly adapted.