THOSE of us who live our lives in great towns and
cities, where every possible educational facility is afforded us at
practically less than cost price, have very little conception of the
economic difficulties which have confronted, and indeed still confront,
students from the remote parts of the Highlands and Islands of Scotland,
and of the odds above which they invariably rise.
Of course conditions to-day are very much more amenable
than they were even thirty years ago. But, when we think of the
extraordinary problems of transport even under modern circumstances,
particularly in the Western Isles, we begin to realise how wonderful it
was that an outlandish island like Lewis, or even Skye, sent forward so
many students to our Scottish universities in the days gone by, and
produced so many distinguished men.
To a people lacking in grit and in determination the
serious handicap placed upon them by difficulties of transport would have
been an almost unsurmountable obstacle, at any rate so far as university
careers were concerned. Just think for a moment of those fellows who, not
so very long ago, were obliged to tramp twenty or twenty-five miles over
moor and machair to reach Stornoway or Tarbert, Harris, where they
embarked for Glasgow after a wait of several hours, because the boat was
usually late in arriving on account of uncertain weather! Much worse was
the lot of those who, before beginning their tramp, had probably to row or
sail a few miles from some little island that was still more remote.
Many of my own contemporaries are faced with such
hardships each time they return home on vacation, though the introduction
into the Islands in recent years of light motor-cars has helped matters
considerably. You can imagine the endurance of an acquaintance of mine
when I tell you that he lands regularly at Tarbert, and walks many weary
miles round the western seaboard of Harris, via Amhuinnsuidhe, to
discover that the Atlantic is too stormy to permit of the frail ferry-boat
crossing that day to his island-home in Scrap. The marvel is that the
people has survived in these parts at all when one considers the economic
and climatic conditions under which it has laboured for
Of course the advent of steam has relieved matters
enormously; but even taking this fact into consideration the train does
not bring the Hebridean student nearer his home than Kyle of Lochalsh, or
Mallaig. No doubt steamers in recent times have improved conditions
somewhat, because they move more rapidly than do sailing ships, and they
can make their voyages in all winds and in practically all weathers. Then
the use of light cars, as already noted, has during the last two decades
saved many a long, weary tramp, or a bone-shaking jostle in an old cart.
Not so very long ago students walked all the way to
college at Aberdeen from their crofts in the north and west of Scotland.
But in the olden days it sometimes took a couple of weeks to sail to Lewis
from Glasgow; and within living memory the outward journey frequently
occupied five or six days, because the steamer called with odd passengers
and sundry cargoes at innumerable little ports on the way, and often
steered as far north as Aultbea and Lochinver before crossing over the
Minch to Stornoway. It must be remembered, too, that there were no
sailings on Sundays; and this sometimes added an extra day to what was
already a tedious voyage. This day was spent in the last port at which the
steamer called on the Saturday afternoon.
You see, during the long summer holidays these fellows
go home to their crofts and help their people all they can. They, perhaps,
assist in rebuilding their houses or in re-thatching the byres, or they
tend to the cattle, or help with the peats or with the harvest, which, as
I have told you elsewhere, is as scanty as it is laborious even in the
best of seasons, because, among other things, of the impoverished nature
of the soil. A few years ago it was not an unusual thing for a student to
teach during his vacations in the school of some neighbouring township,
and to provide a substitute, so as to enable him to attend college during
the winter and spring months.
Smooth waters never make expert mariners any more than
uninterrupted comfort and prosperity equip men and women for usefulness
and service. In a manner not unlike that of the storms of the ocean, the
storms of adversity arouse the senses and increase a hundredfold the
fortitude, endurance, and skill of the voyager. A glance through the
achievements at our Scottish universities readily re-assures us that at
all events Highland students, who have almost invariably come from poor
circumstances, have nothing to be ashamed of. The record of Lewis in this
respect is one of which any race might have every reason to be proud.
These island students know that if they are to be
successful they must needs deny themselves, and that those at home must be
denied too.
But they are all recompensed in due season: they cast
their bread upon the waters, and receive it after many days.