Preface to this edition
THE publishers of this
edition have asked me to furnish an Appendix, giving additional information
on such points as the results of the Mission of Inquiry into the State of
the Jews, and some brief reference to the friends mentioned in the note at
the close of Chap. I. The facsimiles, also, of Mr. M'Cheyne’s handwriting
will be valued by friends. The larger type, and a few other improvements,
will be welcomed.
Glasgow, July 1892.
Preface to the First Edition
In this Memoir very mucn nas
been preserved or Mr. M'Cheyne’s own words as well as feelings. Still there
is a defect quite apparent. All who knew him not only saw in him a burning
and a shining light, but felt also the breathing of the hidden life of God;
and there is no narrative that can fully express this peculiarity of the
living man. Yet, nevertheless, as I have had the prayers of many, and have
myself throughout asked the Lord to guide me with His eye, I believe He will
not let this record of His servant go forth unblessed. Many of his most
precious Letters will be found, in whole or in part, in this volume. The
Portrait is not an exact likeness: it was executed after his death from a
very imperfect sketch by himself; but it will recall his form to all who
knew him. It is now a year since he rested from his labours; and this Memoir
is a record of some of those works that follow him.
Collace, March 25, 1844
Memoir and Remains of
Rev. Robert Murray M'Cheyne
Minister of St. Peter's Church, Dundee by the Rev. Andrew A. Bonar, D.D.,
Minister of the Free Church of Scotland, Glasgow. New edition with
Appendices, Facsimiles of Writings, and Portrait (1892) (pdf) |