M. Nisbet c. 1520
John 20:1-29
Ande in aan day of the wolk
Marie Magdalene com airlie to the graue, quhen it was yit mirk. And scho
saw the staan mouet away fra the graue. Tharfor scho ran, and com to Symon
Petir, and to ane vther discipile, quham Jesus luvit, and sais to thame,
Thai haue takin the Lord fra the graue, and we wate nocht quhare thai haue
laid him. Tharfore Petir went out, and that ilk vthir discipile, and thai
com to the graue. And thai twa ran togiddir, and the ilk vthir discipile
ran before Petir, and com first to the graue. And quhen he lowtit, he saw
the schetis liand, neuirtheles he entrit nocht. Tharfor Symon Petir com
followand him, and he entrit into the graue, and he saw the schetis laid.
And the sudarie that was on his hede, nocht laid on the schetis, bot be
itself wympilit into aan place. Tharfore than the ilk discipile that com
first to the graue, entrit, and saw, and beleuet. For thai knew nochit yit
the scripture, that it behuvit him to ryse agane fra deid. Tharfore the
discipilis went agane to thame self. Bot Marie stude at the graue without
furth wepand. And the quhile scho wepit, scho bowit hir, and behald furth
into the graue; And saw twa angelis sittand, in quhite, aan at the hede
and aan at the feet, quhare the body of Jesu was laid. And thai say to hir,
Woman, qhuat wepis thou? Scho said to thaim, For thai haue takin away my
lorde, and I wate nocht quhare thai haue laid him. Quhen scho had said
thir thingis, scho turnit bakwart, and saw Jesu standand, and wist nocht
that it was Jesus. Jesus sais to her, Woman quhat wepis thou? quham sekis
thou? Scho gessand that hes was a gardinare, sais to him, Sir, gif thou
has takin him vp , say to me quhare thou has laid him, and I sal tak him
away. Jesus sais to hir, Marie. Scho turnit, and sais to him Rabboni, that
is to say, Maistir. Jesus sais to hir, Will thou nocht tuiche me, for I
haue nocht yit ascendit to my fader; bot ga to my brether, and say to
thame, I ga vp to my fader and to youre fadere, to my God and to youre
God. Marie Magdalene com telland to the discipilis, That I saw the Lord,
and thir thingis he said to me. Tharfore quhan it was euen in that day,
aan of the sabotis, and the yettis war closit quhare the discipilis war
gaderit for drede of the Iewis, Jesus com and stude in the myddis of the
discipilis , and he sais to thame, Pece to yow. And quhen he said this, he
schewit to thame handis and side; tharfore the disciplis ioyit, for the
Lord was seen. And he sais to thame agane, Pece to you; as the fader send
me, I send you. Quhen he had said this, he blew on thame, and said, Tak ye
the haligast; Quhais synnis ye forgefe, tha ar forgeuen to thame; and
quhais ye withhald, tha ar withhaldin. Bot Thomas, aan of the xij, that is
said Didymus, was nocht with thame quhen Jesus com, Tharfore the vther
discipilis said to him, We haue sene the Lord. And he said to thame, Bot I
se in his handis the fixing of the nailis, and put my fingire into the
place of the nailis, and put my hand into his side, I sal nocht beleue.
And eftir viii dais agane his disipilis war within, ande Thomas with thame.
Jesus com, quhile the yettis war closit, and stude in the myddis, and
said, Pece to you. Eftirwart he sais to Thomas, Put in here thi fingire,
and se myn handis, and put hiddire thi hand, and put into my side, and
will thou nocht be vnbeleeffull, bot faithfull. Thomas ansuerd and said to
him, My Lord and my God. Jesus sais to him, Thomas, for thou as sene me,
thou beleues; blessit be thai that saw me nocht, and has beleuet. |