I extracted this article from Tait's
Edinburgh Magazine 1843 issue and now make it available in pdf format
We take up the subject at the epoch when the Episcopal
became a dissenting a,nd voluntary church, viz., the Revolution of 1688.
When that event took place, “thppersecuted remnant” felt that the day
had come when their enemies were to be delivered into their hands,—and
terrible hands they would have been for any persons of a different
opinion from their own to be delivered into. But William III. was not a
man to be easily turned to such purposes; and when a deputation of
zealous priests waited upon him to tell him that they hoped he would
exterminate Prelacy and Heresy, he intimated to them, that extermination
was not a word in his political vocabulary. The Dutch king had a curious
mixture of political elements to deal with. There were the High English
Churchmen, who would rather go to the Tower than promulgate James’
declaration of indulgence, yet would have no other king but him; the
dissenters, who had been the real moving engine in the Revolution, yet
to whom, at the risk of getting even the Low Church party of England
against him, he dared give no higher boon than that of mere existence.
In Ireland, a couple of millions or so of Roman Catholics thought it not
quite reasonable that they should be saddled and bitted by a hundred
thousand English Churchmen; but the latter said, Is not Popery a false
religion, and shall we not put it down? a vaunt hardly uttered, when
Presbyterianism appears at its back, and says, Nay, nay, yon are nearly
as far wrong as the Papists: we are the truth, our king is a Calvinist,
and he will assist us to extirpate error. In Scotland, however, there
was not that overwhelming preponderance in favour of Presbyterianism
which is generally supposed to have existed. Probably there was a
majority, certainly not a very
large one, in favour of that form; and it certainly had on its side the
portion of the population most zealously religious, while the other had
the preponderance in rank and wealth.
Episcopacy in Scotland here |