the author was asked what has prompted him to add
another to the countless books which handle this and
kindred matters, he would say that he believes
himself to be offering a. rather simple solution of
problems which have long exercised his own and so
many other minds.
He believes that the accepted views of the Synoptic
Problem can be carried on one step further. As the
recognition of the priority of St. Mark has made it
possible to. measure the change of thought which has
taken place between the writing of St. Mark’s Gospel
and the copying of it by St. Matthew and St. Luke,
so it is possible to distinguish in “St. Mark”
itself two “strata,” between the formation of which
there has taken place a change in the Church’s mind
and language.
The phenomena to be accounted for are the existence
side by side of incompatible elements. Side by side
are found there two stories, one of incidents and
sayings such as Simon Peter might tell in Rome and
Mark record: homely, frank, vivid, giving such
memories as would convey an idea of what Jesus of
Nazareth had said and been to His first disciples.
And the other stratum uses a different vocabulary
and tells of a different “Christology,” a story told
by metaphor and allegory, setting out the mystical
implications, the divine meaning, of the bare facts
of what the Lord had said and done and suffered and
The author of these essays believes that the two
strata can be distinguished, and that the places
where one work interrupts the other can (within
limits) be determined; so that the reader has got
before him, a Mark II who tells mystically a Gospel
story of the Church of the Rome of the time of Nero,
and within and behind that and separable from that,
a Mark I, a Gospel story which goes back to the
scenes of the house in Capernaum and the boat in
Galilee and the streets in Jerusalem of thirty-five
years before.
9th April, 1936.
St. Mark’s Gospel (pdf)