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The Scottish House Australia

Scottish House Australia is a non-profit, community minded Scottish organization for which acts as a centre for cultural, historical and genealogical research, and acts as a liaison between the public and the various Australian & international Scottish Communities.

We celebrated our 20th birthday in November, 2014. The office & library has move offices three times over the years, currently residing in Granville a western suburb of Sydney, NSW. The office is open on Thursdays from 10am – 3pm and is run entirely by volunteers.

Our activities include:
• Organise various special events during the year and all persons interested in the Scottish Culture are invited to attend.
• assistance to research a full range of ancestry information
• a library available for members to research articles for their newsletters & genealogy studies
• providing tent accommodation for member clans at gatherings including affordable umbrella public liability insurance and a personal accident insurance option for their volunteers
• a quarterly newsletter which is sent to members with an “events” calendar showing the dates and locations of future Scottish and Celtic events

Our “GIGs” (Genealogy Interest Groups), which are held throughout the year, have proved to be one of our most popular activities. We have now arranged the following talk.

Our sponsor the Lord Lyon, King of Arms, Dr Joe Morrow. This is a photo of my husband, Ed & myself with him when we were his guests for lunch last June near Stirling just before the “Battle of Bannockburn” celebrations. A lovely man who intends to come to Australia in the next couple of years to visit. Ed is wearing his MacArthur tie.

Special Genealogy Afternoon: Assisted Immigrants - Scots & Others

Ray Thornburn

Come to a talk about how immigrants and their families arrived in Australia by assisted passage. Australia’s population today is mainly that of immigrants and their descendants who have come to this country over many years. A special talk by dedicated family and social historian, Ray Thorburn, OAM as the Guest Speaker will acknowledge the assisted immigrants and their families. Doors open at 1.30pm with address commencing at 2pm and followed by afternoon tea.

Assisted Passage Schemes were one of the ways numerous immigrants left their homelands to journey to Australia. Some of those early immigrants, who set out so full of hope, didn’t even arrive on these shores. Others arrived and succumbed to illness and exhaustion, leaving young families to struggle on. Following WWII, the £10 fare offer was also taken up by many Scots, British Isles subjects and Europeans

Bookings are essential by cheque payable to Scottish House plus the names of those attending to Scottish House, PO Box 43, Granville 2142 or download booking form on our website under “Events”. Enquiries to Moyna Scotland on (02) 4232-1912.

Scottish House individual Members $15.00 per person Non-Members $20.00 per person

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