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Albert Road Academy
Page 6

ARA students on board 'adopted' ship Fort Langley, 1951. Douglas Carrick front row, wearing school socks. I'll be pleased to identify his school/ship mates if anyone can name them. Thanks for photo, Douglas.

Melville Street Grads - 1951

Teacher, centre: Miss Munro
6th from left, front row: Ian Newlove

Orchestra 1951-2

Right, rear: Mr Roy, Mr. McKendrick Back row, french horns, David Purnell, Jeanie Wood, trumpet, Tom Young Middle row, second violin, D. Carrick, second from right, Ian Fyffe. Front row, second violin Dolina McKay. John Ramsay, Muriel Stark, cello. Alex Gowans, bass.
above photos courtesy Douglas Carrick

Rugby - 1955-6

Back row: Joe Land, Fraser Bremner, Tom McNish, Doug Houston, Jim McCallum,S tephen Forster. Middle row: Mr. Caldwell, Robin Short, Hugh Ingram, Walter Douglas, Billy Sutherland, Peder Larsen, Mr. Bell Front row: Stuart Smith, Rod Cowie, unknown, Jack Lambert, Walter Whitehill, Jim McVicar, Archie McNaught. Photo courtesy Walter Whitehill

Common Masters' Room - 1957-8

left to right: Henry Hepburn, Alex Gowans, Billy Barr, Peter Curran, Douglas Carrick, John Ramsay. Roughly translated, the latin words on the blackboard, beside the comely female, mean, Art for Art's Sake. Thanks for pic, Douglas.

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