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Albert Road Academy
Page 3

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James McFarlane, Albert MacMillan, Ian Locke, Ian Hannah, Sarah Livingston, Ian McDowal, Dorothy Black.

LtoR back row: Mr Sam Ritchie, Jack Wilkie, John Farquhar, O.D.McNicol
Ian Mathieson, David Ross, Eddie Guinness. seated: Ian McDowall, John Burgess, Bob Sloan (capt.),Jimmy Shea, Dave Garlick. front row: Bill Ireland, David Park, Tom Forgic, Ralph Davidson.

front row right: D'Arcy Conyers
back row right: Mr. R.J. Hamilton, Headmaster

L to R, back row: Dorothy Nimblin,
Ann Milligan. front row: Dorothy
Black, Bette...?

Scotland Street School Museum

Secondary Junior Choir, 1955. No names listed. Your moderator, Deana
Henderson, top row, 4th from right

L to R, back row: J. Campbell,  J. Goudie,  J. Chessar, T. Hosie, A. McKinnon, J. McDowall. Centre row: H. McLauchlan, A. Drysdale, E. Hunter, W. Mathie. Front row: D. Montgomery, N. Rae, S. Docherty (Cap), A. Lilley, R. Maxwell..

ALBERT DRIVE - 1998, showing Pollokshields Primary School, the former ARA, on the right.

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