The following three photos courtesy Howard
Shaw, (attended 1942-48).

Above and below, Melville Street, 1940s

FPs football late 1940s
Ian McKendrick Howard Shaw Hugh McColl Billy McIntosh Duncan Smith
Drama Class 1950-51
photos courtesy Tom Berman
Pride and Prejudice

l to r: A. Cameron, R. Henderson ,M.Kennedy,
J. Hay, N.Webster, V .Simmons
Twelfth Night

l to r: Tom Berman, N. McCorkindale, M.
Gray, J. Buchanan, R. Simpson, T. Miller, M. Auld, R .Miller
.Lambhill Street School 1950-51

photo courtesy Philip Porch
The following news items are from the
"Scottish Snippets" publication
First Jewish Tartan
The first record
of a Jew in Scotland is in 1691 and since then they have been an
integral part of the country and its people. Jews in Scotland were not
persecuted and there were no national or state sponsored antisemitic
laws. When England was burning and exiling its Jews in the Middle Ages,
Scotland provided a safe haven from English and European anti-Semitism.
Now, after over 300 years, an official Jewish tartan has been created
and registered with the Scottish Tartans Authority. It was designed by
the only Scottish-born Rabbi living in Scotland, it's 100 per cent
Kosher - being a non wool-linen mix. It incorporates many aspects of
Scottish-Jewish cultural and religious history, with the colours, weave
and number of threads picked for their relevance to Judaism.The blue and
white represents the colours of the Israeli and Scottish flag with the
central gold line representing the gold from the Biblical Tabernacle,
the Ark of the Covenant and the many ceremonial vessels. The launch of
the new tartan coincided with Israel's 60th anniversary celebration.
Greek Thomson's Egyptian Halls
The Egyptian
Halls, designed by the Glasgow architect Alexander "Greek" Thomson in
the mid-1800s, have been lying empty and derelict for nearly 20 years.
The building in Renfield Street in the centre of the city, is regarded
as Thomson's commercial masterpiece and architecture of world-class
significance. Various attempts have been made to put together the
finance to bring them back into use, but they have all fallen by the
wayside. There was a major effort to restore the building when Glasgow
became European City of Architecture and Design in 1999, but that ground
to halt due to disputes over ownership. Now, at last, it seems that all
the problems have been resolved and the building will undergo a £5
million refurbishment, before being marketed as a retail or office
development. Finally, the blackened stonework may get cleaned up, which
will considerably improve the look of a major shopping street in the
The following three photos were submitted by
Edna Campbell, (ARA 1943-49)

Folk Dancing Classes - 2nd and 3rd Forms,
1949 Miss Gray, Mr Weir

Qualifying Class, 1949 - Mrs Lockwood

"As You Like It" - Drama Club, 1949
Margaret Auld, R. Miller, S. Leckie, Norman McCorkindale, Evelyn Wilson,
Jack Gillon, Edna Campbell
Under the heading, "Honorary Graduates", the
press release below was printed by the University College of Cape
Breton, in eastern Canada. The date of the release is unknown.Mrs.
Mathieson attended ARA 1936-41. We are grateful to her sister, Edna
Campbell, for this submission.
Marion Campbell Mathieson, M.A.
Marion Campbell Mathieson is above all a woman with an extraordinary
concern for her fellow human beings. She has been active in local,
regional, national and international affairs as a lobbyist, organizer,
writer/researcher, speaker, panelist, workshop leadrer and guest
Born and raised in Glasgow, Scotland Mrs.
Mathieson came to Cape Breton in 1957 and has resided here ever since.
She earned her M.A. at the University of Glasgow and in the early 1960s
taught Latin, French and Mathematics in Louisburg and in Sidney.
She is a charter member and past president
of The Canadian Federation of University Women, Cape Breton, and an
active member in The Voice of Women, Ploughshares Cape Breton, Women
Unlimited, The Cape Breton Nuclear Disarmament Committee, and The United
Church of Canada Presbytery, Working Group on Social Ministry.
Mrs. Mathieson is currently vice president
of The National Action Committee on the Status of Women, and The
National Action Committee's representative on the Steering Committee of
the Canadian Peace Alliance.
As the mother of a brain damaged child she
also has a very special commitment to the Canadian Association for
Community Living (formerly the Canadian Association for the Mentally
Long associated with the University College
of Cape Breton through the Centre for International Studies, Mrs.
Mathieson was responsible for bringing the exhibit "Understanding China
Through Cartoons" to the University College.
She has served as a resource person for
students in our Bachelor of Arts Community Studies program, given guest
lectures, and even sponsored one UCCB student's attendance at a peace
Mrs. Mathieson is an ardent feminist who has
worked tirelessly to advance the status of women and a deeply committed
promoter of peace, human rights and economic and social justice for
She will receive the degree Doctor of Laws,
Honoris Causa.
Ed: Any questions regarding the late Mrs. Mathieson may be directed to
her son, Colin Mathieson, at the following address:
923 Kerfoot Cres., S.W Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2V 2M8.
Ed: Many thanks to Glenn Hardie for lending
his magazine, from which I extracted the following pics,and to Duncan
Gunn and Edna Campbell who supplied the names in the qualifying pic.
Qualifying Class - 1942

back row, left to right: Roland Spencer,
Archie Gay, James Milroy, Duncan Gunn, Louis Cohen, Alistair Mulvenon,
Sandy Wedderspoon, Norton (Norrie) Herbert. 4th row: Mr. Hamilton,
Robert Kinloch, Tom Smith, Alex Weinman, Leonard Baker, Claude Cowan,
Leslie Rosin, Ellis Landa, Mr. Melville.3rd row: Jean Russell, Dorothy
Gemmill, Margaret Auld, Rita Boyle, Christine Bailey, Diana Campbell,
Margaret Paterson, Edna Campbell. 2nd row: Elsie Freeman, Felicite van
Heerden, Margaret Todd, Beryl Murdoch, Margaret Laurie, Norma Chisholm,
Rosalin Shinwell, Maureen Anderson, Patience Palk, Helen Palk.1st
row: Robert Mennie, John Phillips, Leonard McMillan, James Gravie,
Ronald Anderson.
Prefects - 1942

The Staff - 1942

Quote from 1942 ARA school magazine:
"For services rendered to the Empire"
We have pleasure in introducing to you, two former pupils who have been
honoured by His Majesty the King with membership of the Most Excellent
order of the British Empire.
The citation in the Gazette, quoted in the press, tells how Chief
Engineer Strang "acted with courage and resource in the face of great
danger from fire and explosion. He saved life and maintained order".
We have not seen the citation dealing with Captain Ridley's award, and
are not quite satisfied with his explanation that, in his case, MBE
means Most Beautiful Engineer.
We hope that when the war is over Captain Ridley will come and give us a
more truthful explanation.
In the meantime, the school takes pride in these awards
and offers congratulations to the recipients.

photo courtesy Andrew Timpson
3rd. row, 4th from left, Andrew Timpson. Top row, 6th. from left, Jimmy