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Albert Road Academy
Page 14

ARA Front Door - 1991

Grateful appreciation to May Young for the following five photos. ed.

May Young - 1958

ARA Sports Day - 1956
back row - left to right - Marjory McGuiness, Ann Ritchie, Flora Darroch
front row - Marjory (Beaton?), Deana Henderson
ed: the student in background models the uniform we girls had to don for gym/sports days. This group's participation was completed, hence our change of clothing and our grins.

Sports Day - 1956

Although this photo is not of great quality, I included it because Sonia Tonner and Marylin Lynch, top left, were individual Scottish Ice Skating champions for 1955 and 1956, respectively. Top row, left to right - Sonia Tonner, Marylin Lynch, Jim Chessar, ? , Diane Purdy, Jim Goudie.Front row - Edie Hunter, ? .

Girls Playground - 1954

back row: Eve Ann Dean, Elizabeth Robertson, May Young
front row: Ina Bell, Margaret  McNair, Alison Bulger

ed: I am indebted to Ken Fyffe for the following photos which were included in five wonderful school magazines mailed to me.

Four Headmasters - Staff Reunion 1953

James Y. Hart, Samuel Weir, Robert J. Hamilton, Robert McEwan

Born in 1882
click here for reminiscences of he early days of ARA

Staff v Pupils Hockey Match - 1954
2nd to 6th from left, Mr. Ewan, Miss G. Scott, Mr. Bell, Mr Roy, Miss Scott., 8th Mr. Binnie,10th Mr. Thompson. 11th Mr. Glen. (any more names?...let me know)

Orchestra - 1957

Cricket X1 - 1956
L to R, Back Row: I. Cameron,  Newlove, H. Hepburn, B.Cohen, I. Fyfe, D. McLeod, N. Stewart. Front Row: R. Cheyne, P. Kelso, W. Barr ,I. McCaskill, M. Kaplan, A. Patience (Scorer).

Mr. Hart, Miss McCance Mr. Mcpherson, Mr. Ewan

Albert Road Academy Academicals R.F.C. - 1958-59
back row: James Darling, Graham Forrester, James Young, Robert Herbison, Ian Malcolm, Tony Saunders, John McColl, William Lambie, John Hewitt, Peter Ridland, Thomas Sellars, Frank Doherty, Thomas Young. middle row: William Barr, James Webster, William Campbell, James Kempster, Alistair Ramsay (Capt.), William Howie, Colin Fulton, Peter Hood, William Wylie, George Kelly.
front row: Malcolm Crawford, Norrie Herbert, Ralph Davidson, James Shea, Ian Cameron, Raymond Barr, William Sommerville, Kenneth Fyffe, John Jacobson, Ian McGuffie, Robert Barr, Gordon Murdoch.

Miss Agnew's Retirement - 1956
Mr. Hart, Mr? ,Miss Agnew,Mr. Hamilton,Mr. McEwan, Mr. Weir.
Presenting the gift is Miss Scott.

I was delighted recently to discover two more published authors within our list of talented former pupils

Peter A. Black, ARA 1957-60.
Pastor and author, Peter lives in south western Ontario, Canada and can be reached at 
His latest book, Parables from The Pond, geared to ages six to ten, yet, interestingly, serving a growing adult audience, can be purchased, for $15.99 CDN, through Amazon and Christian bookstores. Peter will also sell and mail the book directly, at some savings to the buyer.
The ISBN number is: 1897373-21-X.

Glenn M. Hardie, ARA 1949.
Glenn lives in Vancouver, Canada. and his latest book,
Reason with Compassion - The Humanist Way,
can be purchased through most bookstores, including online.
The 100 page paperback sells for $20.15 CDN.
The ISBN number is: 978-1-4363-6771-4

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